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*BEEB BEEP* i groun as My alarm gose off
I quicklly snozze it

As i stand up i can feel my feet walking me to the bathroom as i arrive i go straight to the sink " MOM THERE IS NO MORE TOOTH PATSE" i say
while sqeezing the dear life out of the tube
FOR FUCKS SAKE i scream being hella frustrated



Ugh whatever ill just buy one tommorow while im at the grocory store

*sorry for my bad english its not my first language *

I sigh while grabing the mouthwash and pouring it in the cap and drincking it like a shot

I spit it out while getting out of the bathroom and going to my room

I sigh as i enter my room going therw my closet try to find my find my favorite grey crop top and grey trousers grin as i finally find the cute set

I sigh as i enter my room going therw my closet try to find my find my favorite grey crop top and grey trousers grin as i finally find the cute set

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* this is the outfit*

I grab my pack of cigarettes and get one out of the pack and put in between my lips

I do a quick savager hunt around my room to find my lighter

i finally find it on my table along with an almost finished bottle of teqilla from the last nights party oh did i also mention i have a huge hangover

before i quicklly the The last bit of acohol down my throut in a hurry to get to school

I rush down the stairs and and my eyes meet with a plate of french toast i hurry to
Grab one as i rush out the door

"Hey Cholè"

"Fuck off carl"

A/n Heyyyy guys im so so sorry for my bad english like i said its not my first language im romanian btw so ye its pretty hard for me lol but anyways i really hope you enjoy this chapter ill start inproveing my writeing and hopefully get more viewers but thats it for now bye and thanks for reading:)

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