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Damian had been sick since the day he was born, this is because he was born with a heart condition. His mother had hopes that it wouldn't affect his life much, but hope did nothing to improve his condition. Every day he felt weaker, more vulnerable to his opponents. Sometimes he wanted nothing more than to simply refuse to train, he tried asking his mother to shorten training once , but she didn't listen to his cries and doubled his training.

Although he was mostly always in pain, he was still able to train, go on missions, and spar because of a certain medicine he was given. A doctor had given him that medicine, which was supposed to help with his heart problem, but it was slowly worsening his condition. The fact that the medicine was worsening his condition was discovered the day he turned five. Damian doesn't remember much about the day he turned five, all he remembers is that on his way to talk to his mother, his chest felt oddly tight and then he heard his doctor's name being called. That's it.

Damian woke up the next day with machines surrounding him. He immediately recognized the room he was in, it was the medical wing. A few minutes after he woke up, someone entered the room, Damian didn't recognize this man, but the man wasted no time in introducing himself. He was Damian's new doctor, he explained that there were complications with his health, but he was going to get better. Damian knew the doctor was lying, the new doctor was smiling too awkwardly and he never looked Damian in the eye when giving him the information.

Damian wasn't allowed to leave his bed nor was he pestered by his mother to train anymore after his birthday. Talia rarely visited him and the times she did, she only told him about how he should be stronger and how she regretted not killing him after he was born. Damian's grandfather visited him once and it was only to tell him that he wasn't worthy of using the Lazarus pit.

Every day Damian's agony continued, showing little to no improvement in his condition. The doctor came every day to tell him about how he was getting better and how he would be able to train with his mother again. It was all bullshit. Damian wanted to scream at the doctor to stop lying to him, but Damian was too nice to do so. Damian was always kind to everyone. He always helped them in any way needed, his mother and grandfather often punished his for that, but he didn't care, he didn't want to be a self-centered, arrogant asshole.

Damian was sure his time was near, he overheard a conversation his doctor had with his mother and grandfather. The doctor told them that Damian wasn't getting better and it was probably time to start saying goodbye. When Damian overheard the news, he wasn't sure how to feel. Part of him was sad over the fact that he wouldn't live as long as other people, he wouldn't do all the things he wanted to do, he wouldn't meet his father nor would he ever surpass his grandfather in combat. Although that part of him was sad, he couldn't deny that another part of him was screaming with joy, he wouldn't have to suffer for much longer. He will not receive any punishment nor verbal abuse, he wanted that so badly.

Throughout his days it became more clear that he was going to die, but what confirmed his soon-to-be-death was a teen girl. This girl would kneel in a corner of his room and play the harp. Damian was never able to see this girl's face, her hair was all over her face and did not allow Damian to see much of her. The girl never spoke a word to Damian, she only played relaxing music with her harp. She never moved from her spot and she never showed herself to anyone but Damian. The fact that no one could see her, made it obvious to Damian that she was death.

The energy she gave out was always positive and reassuring. At the beginning, she made Damian wish he was already dead, mostly because her presence was so peaceful, but as Damian continued to grow closer to his death day, he wished he would have done many things he did not get to do. Sadness started to build up and regret with it.

Six months after his birthday, things changed. It was like any other day, but the girl was off, the tune she was playing with her harp wasn't peaceful at all, it was very fast, almost as if she was using the harp to relieve stress. In the middle of a song, she suddenly stopped, making Damian turn to look at her. The girl continued to kneel and stare at Damian for 33 minutes. Then, she did something she had never done before, she stood up. Damian's first though was ' this is the day I die ' , but that thought soon changed to ' what is happening? '. Something white started coming out of the girl's back, it didn't take Damian long to realize that what was coming out of her back were wings, angel wings. Her eyes started glowing. Her right eye had a yellowish color while her left had a blue like color.

The girl began to walk towards him, determined look on her face. She sat down on the side of the bed and asked one thing: "Child, do you wish to die or to live?"

Damian was confused by her question, he thought that she would just take his soul and that would be it, nevertheless, he answered, "I do wish to do many things I did not get to do, but I know if I continue to live, my mother and grandfather will only punish me."

The girl nodded in understanding. "Your father is the one you wish to meet, am I correct?"

Damian was surprised, he never mentioned that he wanted to meet someone before he died, but she somehow knew this. Damian, not knowing what to respond, only nodded quietly.

"I can make your body stronger, I can heal you, and I can make your deepest desires come true. You've already suffered though so much, with no gain. What do you say? Do you want me to help you?" the girl asked.

"What's in it for you?"

"A vessel"


"It's not as bad as it sounds, I will dwell in your body, but I will not use your body, unless necessary. I will simply be inside of you, but I will not control your body."


"I simply want a place to rest, and your body is strong enough to have me inside of it"

Damian pondered on his choice for sometime before accepting the girl's offer. The girl only hugged him after he accepted, then there was a very bright light. He didn't see her again.

~ three days later ~

Damian had made miraculous progress. His heart condition had completely disappeared and he was already sparing with his grandfather. The doctors had no idea how he got better, but they were glad that Damian didn't die, because they would have been murdered for being incompetent.

Even though Damian's health improved, there was something off about him. It was his attitude. He was generous, kind, and even extremely nice before. Now, Damian was very rude and arrogant. No one exactly knows what happened to Damian except Damian himself.

~ few years later in the TT tower ~

The angel living inside of Damian was crying in anger. Her vessel was being called things like "Satan Spawn" or "Demon Brat" , she was an angel, she wouldn't pick a demon to be her vessel. The girl calling her vessel this terrible names was Terra Markov. She regretted healing the harlot! she should have died with the pedophile!

Where does it say that angels need to be nice? She was one of heaven's best warriors and she was also the most arrogant and rude angel!

This has nothing to do with religion. This is actually inspired by the tv show Supernatural where angels are kind of dicks. If any of this content bothers you, don't read.

Constructive criticism is unwelcomed.

Please give me ideas on how to continue this, please!

I also posted this on Archive of Our Own, but it was posted on a different date. (2/08/2022)

Who said that angels need to be nice? (Damian Wayne Story)Where stories live. Discover now