Chapter 1

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When he's consciousness came back, the pain already gone. He open his eyes and tried to sat up but groan when he felt the pain shot at his back make him sat back.

"I won't do that if I were you," said the familiar voice. Shinichi look up and saw Miyu were sitting on the couch with a thick book on her hands reading, she didn't even lift her head from the book. The shot of memories goes through his mind, he remember that he is in the middle of the ritual to get his body back, but then the pain came and it was to much for him to endure, he fainted.

With hope, he look at himself and saw his legs, his human legs is back. Then he lift his hand and were meet with his adult hands instead of his white paws, but he notice that his nail is sharper than it suppose too.

But he leave it be for a while and sigh in relief when seeing his human body back, he manage to sat up from the bed he was laying at and notice that he in the unfamiliar room.

Noticing he still in Miyu house, he relax a bit. He was wearing someone cloth but the cloth is a bit big for him. He swing his legs tried to ease a soreness in it, he notice a body mirror beside the bed. Deciding to make sure he really back to normal, he stand up and walk to the mirror slowly.

When he already in front of the mirror, he close his eyes and inhale and exhale to calm his nervous heart.

He open his eyes again, he was meet with his face, his normal face, his normal feature body, and his usual height and muscle since he been a soccer player before and been now. His coffee black hair with still a stubborn cowlick, blue sapphire eyes that he always seen in the mirror but he notice there is something different with his eyes. His eyes pupils turn slit like a cat and he also notice his teeth is sharper than usually do.

It's not a human teeth that he had before, it was a teeth of the beast. He examine his body again and once his eyes caught the triangle cats ears twitching on his head and the black tail with white tips on it swilling on the back. He know something is up.

Shinichi eyes narrowed and turn to the witch that already put her book on the desk and look at him with wide grin on her face in amusement and excitement. "What?" ask her gave an innocent look at him. He pointed at the cats ears on his head asking the explanation "Why I still have this?" asked him in annoyance.

"Do you like it?" ask Miyu in excitement, Shinichi scowled "Do I look like I'll like it?" Miyu tilted her head playfully innocent, "Well, no...But you look cute in it."

Shinichi scowled at her when she said him cute, "You said, you turn me back? Why I look like a half cat half human?" state him irritably. Miyu raised her hand in stop gesture, "I did said I turn you back but I didn't said I turn you back to normal. Plus...I just reverse the poison in your system so you can have your human body if I reverse all of it, you will lose your life. You don't want that to happen, do you?" said Miyu a glint in her eyes tell him that she was serious about this.

"Moreover, the chance of you to live is barely 10%. If is not because of cat DNA mixed in you cause of the poison, I have to turn you into spirit. The creature that can't see with your physical eyes but with inner eyes. You don't want that to do you? Turning you into hybrid is safe enough, other than that, you won't survive in the ritual. I've been do what I got to make sure you stay alive and this the answer I got in return, so ungrateful."

Said her huffing and crossed her arms on her chest, Shinichi blinked in shock when he heard the explanation she gave it to him. His mouth open tried to said something but close it again when he don't know what to say. He look away and rubbed his neck on the back awkwardly.

Felt the need to apologize, he decide to speak "Sorry!" said him guiltily with his cats ears dropping looking more cute than before. Miyu saw this, she inwardly cooed, her anger already gone when she seen such adorable sight. She walk to him closely and give a ruffle, ruffling his hair gently like how an older sister caress with their little brother.

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