Bachelorette Parties are disasters waiting to happen

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I think she is ok" Jules answered the guy.

"Parties over" I heard the guy yell sounding angry and a few seconds later a door slamming shut making me flinch at the loud noise. My nerves are going to be on edge for a while now, great.

"No, please don't stop the party because of me" I said pulling away from my sister wiping the tears off my face. I felt horrible for ruining the party, why the hell did I have to come out here? Why couldn't I have just went into the hallway or something.

"Honey nobody is going to have fun knowing that guy attacked you" her calm voice said "Come on lets go in"

I followed behind her my hands still shaking as we walked into the living room. The guys from the bedroom were huddled around the kitchen that was to the right of the living room. Some of the girls were in there and some still on the couch. I spotted my bag on a small dining room table by the kitchen and immediately went to get my knife. Maybe it would make me stop shaking knowing I had it with me.

I dug to the bottom of my bag pulling the long black and silver blade out wrapping my fingers around the handle. Yep that helps, it's like having mace but more deadly if need be. I've only had to use it a couple times and that was just to flash it at some guys at the bar who were messing with Jackie or Angel one of the other girls I work with.

"What the hell is that for Mori" Jules yelled making me jump.

"Damn it Jules. Well it's for protection duh." I said sarcastically shoving it in my back pocket. Her eyes were wide as she stared at me like I was crazy.

"Are you ok" a guy said from the kitchen and I turned to see who spoke. All they guys were staring at me and I had that feeling of running and hiding again. The guy that spoke had short blond hair blue eyes and a goatee, tall like the rest around 6'3 with a muscular body. What the hell is up with the muscled men?

Looking back over to Jules I gave her a What-The-Fuck face. She just smiled. Collin walked over to her then asked "Are you ok Morgan" I just nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok" I said looking at everyone to see them staring at me. Ok this is creepy. "Um, where am I staying?" I asked Jules hoping she would get the hint I wanted out of here.

"You will be in the room below this one" Collin said pulling my sister in to him to kiss her. I made a gagging noise again getting a few laughs and a glare from Jules. It's just too tempting plus seeing them all lovey-dovey was helping calm me down a little.

"Ok well since I ruined everyone evening I think I will go" I said pulling my bag onto my shoulder so I could get away from the stares. It's one thing if you know the people it's different when the only person you know is your sister.

"You didn't ruin the evening" one of the guys said but I wasn't sure which one his voice was deep and cool like some guy you would run into in high school sounding like the jock seducing the cheerleader.

"I ruined someone's evening" I said remember the guy and girl that were almost having sex.

"Come on I'll show you to your room" Jules said pulling me toward the door. I really wish she would stop pulling me around like a dog.

"If you need anything at all we will be up here" Collin said from behind us. I waved over my shoulder to let him know I heard while Jules continued to pull me out of the door and to the elevator. It would have been quicker to walk down the steps.

We finally made it downstairs to a room exactly like the one upstairs. The floors are white carpet throughout the place, cream colored walls, the kitchen to the left of the room with a small dining room table between the kitchen and living room. A wave style couch with two small tables in front and two matching chairs on the end, the wall of doors for the patio, on the right is the bedroom.

"I don't even want to know how much this room costs" I said looking around. This is like an expensive apartment with room service.

The kitchen was nice with light colored cabinets, a full size white refrigerator, stove and dishwasher. The counters were tan granite with a small island between the kitchen and table. The couch was white and tan matching the rest of the room.

"Are you sure you're ok honey" Jules asked again sounding more worried than before.

"Look I was freaked but I'm ok. Really but who pulled him off me" I asked remembering the voice but not seeing the face. He had a really nice voice and I would've liked to thank him if I had been thinking straight. Plus I wasn't completely ok, I was still shaken a bit.

"That was Alec you will meet him later. But he is a very pissed off man so watch what you say to him." I at least wanted to thank him even if he is an ass.

"Ok well I think I'm going to go to bed" I said giving my sister a hug.

"I'll get you in the morning when it's time for your dress fitting" she smiled winking at me. Her mood was back to happy and bubbly like she is a little kid.

"I hate you" I said making her laugh as she left the room.

Moving to the bedroom I saw a king size bed with all white bedding, a T.V. sitting in a cabinet at the foot of the bed, a couch beside it in the same white and tan material. The bathroom was to the right with gold walls and white floors, a long sink on the right, a shower on the left with a towel rack beside and at the very back was a huge built in tub.

"Wow this place is amazing" I said looking in the huge shower big enough for 5 people.

After taking an hour long shower washing the smell and feel of the dancer off me I finally crawled into the big soft bed seeing it was already 2a.m. Closing my eyes I thought about the way Jules and Collin were staring at each other with so much love. Maybe one day I will find a love like that.


Thanks to everyone who is reading. Please Comment, Vote, let me know what you think so far. I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to Angelica Ramos who was my first fan. Thanks all of you are wonderful.

Pic of Collin to the right

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