May Promise to You

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Ross sought out his father who was on the floor picked his son up. Joshua scowled at him; I was playing with him. Ross said, "I take precedent I have not held him all day. Besides Francis has a problem that may need your assistance." Joshua said, "what do you need Francis, don't go far with my grandson when I am done here, I intend to have him some more?" Francis chuckled, "that little one will not be spoiled at all." Joshua said, "what else are they for if not for Grandparents to spoil? Well, Francis spit it out." Ross spoke up, "Francis slept with his secretary again and now she wants a wedding ring. He is not inclined to do so. I am concerned we will have a sexual harassment placed against the company." Joshua looked at Francis asking, "did you say something to my daughter-in-law?" He scowled at Francis as he nodded his head then Joshua said, You will apologize to her. This is not the same as that." Ross said, "no I knew I loved her long before but only tried to distance myself because I made a promise to your wife. It has finally been clear in my mind that the only ones my promises should mean anything are my son and wife."

Demelza came down the stairs in search of Jeremy. She knew he had to be getting hungry since she felt so full that she had to either pump or feed him. She heard what Ross said, it left her feeling better after Francis's comment. She walked into the room, Francis spoke first, "Demelza, I am sorry for that comment it was uncalled for, and you are nothing like Margaret. Please accept my apology. Demelza nodded and went to take Jeremy. Ross pulled him back, "I just got him." Demelza put her hands on her hips and said, then leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Unless you have grown a pair of breasts you best hand him over to me. Ross handed over Jeremy, Joshua said, "wait a minute I was to get him next." Ross chuckled; I don't think you have the equipment either Father." Demelza blushed up to her hairline. Joshua laughed telling her if she got any redder, she would be on fire. She took Jeremy and left the room.

Joshua said, "getting back to you Francis, did she come on to you or did you instigate the sex?" Francis grimaced, "well it was mutual." Joshua said, "that is not what I asked you," he was losing patience?" Francis thought for a few minutes, then said, "she said she could help me with anything I needed, then looked at my crotch. She came over and sat on the edge of the desk and parted her legs." Joshua said, "write down everything you can remember from that incident the more detailed the better. Give it to Ross to go over our lawyers. We may have to fire her. That company is not your playground ever hear of don't shite where you eat!" Francis nodded. Ross said, "I will expect that on my desk tomorrow, and no more shagging the help." Francis agreed and then left. Joshua said, "how dumb can one person be. Didn't Elizabeth teach him anything?" Ross said, "he thought he loved her until she realized she married the wrong Poldark I think he was happy."

Ross went up to Demelza and his rooms. She was just finishing up feeding her son. Ross said, "let me burp him, please." Demelza gave him the baby. He nuzzled his silky hair, "I have missed him so much. All because of my stupidly." Demelza said, "you don't know how scared I was of losing him. When the doctor rushed him into the pediatric ward saying if he stopped breathing, he didn't want to be the one, to try to resuscitate him. Ross reached out a hand to his wife, "I never want you to feel like you need to be by yourself again." Jeremy left out a loud burp and then started laughing. Demelza said, I should go down and start supper." Ross said, I think Mother already started it. Demelza said, "but she stayed up all last night." They took a nap while we were walking. I will sit with Jeremy today," Ross said. Demelza said, "if you are working tomorrow then I will stay awake with him." Ross nodded saying, "then take a nap until supper, I will take Jeremy down with Dad and I will help Mom with supper." Demelza agreed a nap did sound good.

Ross gave Jeremy to his dad who was all too happy to have his grandson back. Grace was getting supper, and she asked about Demelza. Ross let her know she was going to take a nap. Grace nodded she told Ross she was worried about her. She had lost so much weight, she told him she was worried for her health. Ross told her he would call Dwight the next day to see what his take on his wife's health was. Ross thought to himself, if anything happens to her, I could not go on. Then he thought that is what scared him about her being pregnant so soon after Jeremy the toll it would take on her body. He heard Jeremy giggles as Joshua came in saying, "I think he needs his Pappa." Grace looked at him warily, "why because he did his business in his pants?" Joshua smirked, "I will take care of any of my grandson's needs but if any of his other family members are in the immediate vicinity, I believe it is my duty to share." Both Ross and Grace broke out in laughter. Grace wiped her hands on her apron, "give me my grandbaby. She cooed; do you poo in your diaper my boy." Jeremy giggled and cooed back at his grandmother. Ross saw how much love his parents had for his son. He was so happy they all lived in this house so they could enjoy his son as much as he did.

They decided they would put a plate back for Demelza and let her sleep until Jeremy's next feeding. They got him ready for bed, Ross took him into his wife. He kissed her brow and was about to wake her when Jeremy wailed. Demelza jumped up knowing her son was hungry. She took him off Ross and began to feed him. Ross was bursting with love for his wife, as he watch his wife feed Jeremy. He pulled his eyes off the site of them and said, I will go take a shower so I can watch him as you shower. She nodded and sang Everywhere to him. He sat and listened.

Can you hear me calling
Out your name?
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
I'll speak a little louder
I'll even shout
You know that I'm proud
And I can't get the words out

Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)

Something's happening
Happening to me
My friends say I'm acting peculiarly
Come on, baby
We better make a start
You better make it soon
Before you break my heart

Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)

Can you hear me calling
Out your name?
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
Come along, baby
We better make a start
You better make it soon
Before you break my heart

Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
Oh, I
I want to be with you everywhere
(Wanna be with you everywhere)

He got up and went to shower, praying to God he would never do anything to drive her away again.

Songwriters: Christine Mcvie. 

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