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"Shopping?!" You screamed out.

"YES!" Nobara was outside your door at 10 am yelling at you. "Please come shopping with meee."

The last thing you remember from last night is reading a story on your phone in Itadori's room.

Well shit, whoever dropped me off to my room, I hope I wasn't on a smut chapter....that would be embarrassing.

"Nobara! Give me a break! It's 10 am." You pulled your pillow to your ears to drown out the sound of Nobara begging you.

"I want to get you some new clothes!"

"What's wrong with my clothes now?" You asked her.

"Nothing! You always look good. I simply wanna get you more clothes!"

"Ugh! but why this early? I'm not getting up now. Come back in 2 hours!" You were met with silence and you assumed she left you alone so you tried to go back to sleep.

*4 minutes later*


You jumped up out of your bed startled as fuck. You were met with the sight of your door on the ground, disconnected from its hinges.

"Nobara!!?" You attempted to make out the angry blob at your door with your tired eyes.

"YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!" She marched in and grabbed you by the collar of your clothes as her hammer and nails were in her other hand.

"NOO!! It's too early! Please let me sleep!"

Note to self: never deny Nobara the opportunity to shop....

After Yuji pried her off of you, she gave you a second chance and she let you get yourself ready to go out. She's usually fine with me but I guess shopping is just an unstoppable force when it comes to her. You got dressed in your casual clothes and finished putting on your shoes. You then grabbed your bag that hung on your door knob.....that use to hang on your door knob. It was now sitting next to where your door used to be. Gojo will fix my door when he gets back I suppose.

"Are you ready?" Nobara asked you as you arrived at her dorm.

"No, but I have no choice when it comes to you." You huffed in annoyance as Nobara just smiled at you.

"You'll be fine. It's not gonna kill you to wake up a bit earlier than normal."

"Let's just go before I change my mind."


Ijichi drove you guys to the mall and the two of you got out of the car.

"You guys do realize I'm only supposed to drive you to important things like missions right?" Ijichi said.

"This is important! We are getting Y/n some new clothes!" She turned to you. "Maybe we can find you a nice guy while we are at it."

You became flustered at her words. "Well I mean...a guy or girl doesn't sound too bad, but I'm not in a rush Nobara."

"So you're saying you are willing to try it out hmm???" She said with a devious smirk on her face.

"If I say yes, I'm scared you will have some horrid plan up your sleeve. So I'm just gonna say "to be determined."

"Aww you're no fun!" She grabbed you by your arm and began to drag you as she took off. "Pick us up in a few hours Ijichi!!!"

He only sighed and then drove off.

"I'm gonna buy you so many things." She said with excitement.

"I'll make sure to get Itadori and Megumi something too then!"

Few and Far Between (Gojo x Fem! Reader) (Slow Burn)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ