Chapter Sixteen

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"Everyone figures doctors are the most responsible people they know. They hold lives in their hands. They're not flakes. They don't lose track of important details or make stunningly bad judgement calls. 'Cause that would be bad, right? We are responsible with our patients. The problem is we blow it all out at work. In our own lives, we can't think things through. We don't make the sound choice. We did that all day at the hospital. When it comes to ourselves, we've got nothing left. And is it worth it—being responsible? 'Cause if you take your vitamins and pay your taxes and never cut the line, the universe still gives you people to love and then lets them slip through your fingers like water. And then what have you got? Vitamins... and nothing" 

"baby, you and me, that's real"

Alex and Lucy were buttering the toast in the kitchen while Derek discussed building the house with Meredith. "I'm thinking we put the tub here", Derek explained. "That way, you can take a bath, look out the window at the trees. But that means we have to move the sink here, because there's no way we can get two sinks on that wall". "Ok", Meredith replied.

"Ok, so do you want me to move the tub or do you want to share a sink?"

"I...have one opinion. And that is that I just want a tub deep enough that covers my knees and my boobs"

"Knees and boobs at the same time. Yeah, I gotta go. You're useless. Love you"

He kissed her head and waved goodbye to Alex and Lucy and left. "The dude's building you a dream house", Alex said, as he and Lucy sat at the table. "I can't read these stupid things", Meredith exclaimed.

"You just don't give a crap"

Lucy smacked his arm. "I'm taking baby drugs to make my uterus less hostile", Meredith explained. "I don't know, it makes my eyes dry, and I have to squint to see, and... I don't really care enough about the tub-sink relationship to, you know...". "You should talk to the OB", Lucy suggested.

"I don't know..."

Teddy, Jackson and Beck walked into their patient, Ricky's room where he was with a woman. "Ricky. Big day", Teddy greeted. "Bring it on", Ricky replied.

"Is this your sister?"

"This is my girlfriend, Julia"

"You're kidding! He's been talking about you for months"

"I figured if there's ever a day to take off work, it's when your boyfriend's getting new lungs", Julia said.

"Smart. She waited for the real fun. Alright, let's do this"

"Well, your new lungs should leave Portland in about two hours", Jackson informed. "You haven't taken any of your cystic fibrosis meds since last night, right?" "No food, no water, no drugs", Ricky replied. "Great. So we'll just do one last workup and then we'll get you to the OR", Beck explained. "Oh, and Julia, write down your number, please, and give it to Dr Grey". "Why?" Julia asked.

"So we can call you when Ricky's in surgery if we have any news"


Mark, Owen and Kelly were treating Adele while Richard observed. "I was in the cereal aisle, and I tripped on one of those big displays", Adele explained. "Fruit spreads or some nonsense, and the whole thing came down". "Lido and an epi, please, 5-0 prolene", Mark said and Kelly handed it to him.

"It's a cut, Mark. You don't have to show off. You can give me a couple of Band-Aids and be on your way"

"Yeah, that's not how this is gonna go"

"You tripped on the display, or you tripped over your feet and fell into the thing, or...?" Richard asked. "The chronology escapes me, Richard", Adele replied. "I was more focused on the fact that there was jam and shard glass all over my coat and my pants, and the pants of the store manager who would not leave me alone until he packed me away into an ambulance! This whole thing is just ridiculous!"

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