"You right, you right. What's-his-face say much?" Matt shook his head and sat on the couch in my office.

"Not really. He said hi. I told him last time I was working out that you had a person now, so I don't think you'll get much 'messages' from him anymore. He's good at backing off at least." I nodded

"Yeah. That's a good thing. He was very persistent last year for my 21st birthday. You know, when we went to the bar?" Matt nodded.

"Yeah. He was quite apologetic for that afterwards." I smiled, remembering him apologizing for 5 minutes to me for being a dick while he was drunk.

"He's chill though. I like him. Every time I've spoken to him he's been super nice, but I'm not sure if that's partially because of that birthday Bar night."

"Probably is. That's just how he is. Even with me. He was a dick to me to begin with and now he helps me in the gym. Anyway. I'mma go shower. I'll call Jaren after." I nodded.

"Enjoy your shower." He shook his head as he left my room. I had finished one of the videos I was going to edit for today, so I decided to leave it as is and get back to editing tomorrow. My upload schedule was only twice a week anyway, a third video was for a treat, or to make up for shorter videos.

In a week it was going to be Matt's birthday, and I still didn't know what to get him. What do you get a -soon to be- twenty five year old man who has almost every possible minion merchandise out there that doesn't cost a small fortune? Maybe a Pop vinyl? A minion blanket? Something for his guitars? The list was both limited and Endless. Looking through stuff now would be risky, so I would have to wait until I go to bed or until he's recording.

"Hey Jaren. How's it going? Ah, cool. I have a question." As he spoke his voice got louder.

"Would you mind having Charley over for a few days, or even a week, around my birthday? You know how it is. Don't exactly want to kick her out to a hotel for a day, do I?" He was at my door now. I turned to look at him. He was still drying his hair.

"What days? I don't know. You can figure that out with her! I'm just asking if you're okay to have her. Yeah, why? Can't you just call her on discord? That would be easier, wouldn't it? Then you can do all your lovey dovey stuff, and I get to keep my phone. Yes I am being difficult. You got a problem with that?" I burst out laughing.

"you're an annoying little shit, aren't you?" I said as I laughed. He looked at me and flipped me off.

"It must run in the family!" He laughed.

"huh? ah, ok. Thanks. I'll speak to you later. see you."

"He's gonna call you when he has a minute. He's at his parents at the moment, so I don't know when he's gonna be home. You never know, he might even call you on the way home."

"Probably not. He doesn't have hands-free, and he's a more responsible driver than me."

"you're saying you've answered the phone while driving?" I nodded.

"Yep. The whole time. Usually it's been good timing and I'm at a stoplight when someone does call, but there have been times, yes, where I have been driving and have answered the phone."He stood still for a moment.

"I no longer want you to drive me places." I laughed at him.

"I'm not that reckless. If someone else is in the car I get them to answer the phone for me." He shook his head and walked away. Within twenty minutes, Jaren had called me.

"Hey, I thought you were at your parents?"

"Yeah, I was. When Matt called me I was thinking about going to get groceries, so I used that as my excuse to leave. Matt said he wanted you to be over for his birthday?"

 I Know I Shouldnt - Smii7y X Reader  (Named) DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!Where stories live. Discover now