Alone Again?

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"Hey, Charley? What do you think about staying at Jaren's the night of my birthday?" Matt walked into my office as I was editing. I had really started to enjoy YouTube as much as he did and now, most of my time went to editing if I had nothing planned.

"Only the night? I could give you a couple days with your girlfriend if you want. You guys haven't really had any proper days together in a while. Have you asked Jaren about this yet?" He shook his head.

"I haven't asked Jaren yet, wanted to know if you'd be alright with it first. But also, a couple days would be great if you really don't mind!" I nodded and smiled at him.

"If I offer, I'm not just saying it for the sake of it. I mean what I say. When are you going to ask Jaren?" I pulled my headphones off completely. He shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe later, I'll call him unless he calls me first for some bizarre reason." I nodded then processed what he had said.

"Why call him later? What do you have to do today?" He showed me the bag he had slung over his shoulder.

"I was about to go change after I spoke to you. I'll only be two hours gone." The bag usually held his work out stuff, and he usually put it in there for safe keeping, otherwise he'd forget where he put stuff. I gave him a big nod, understanding why he wasn't going to phone Jaren now.

"Ah, right. You want me to do anything before you come back?" He shook his head no.

"Nah, we've stayed pretty on top of things recently. Nothing desperately needs done, but if you get bored and need something to do, I have editing I was going to get round to, today. Up to you though. I was going to have a look at it after I called Jaren and such." I nodded.

"We'll see how I feel. Never know, might just end up recording instead." I smiled and looked at the screen.

"That is a good idea. Back log a few sessions of footage, even if it's just a voice-over kind of video." I nodded, acknowledging his advice.

"Well, imma go get changed and then head out. Text me if you need anything from the store while I'm out."

"Yep. Will do. Tell what's-his-face I said hi." I heard Matt laugh. I could never remember his gym buddies name, but I could spot him a mile off. Always called him 'what's-his-face'.

"I will, don't worry!" And with that, the front door closed, leaving me alone in the house. The editing took longer than I expected, so by the time Matt was home again, I was still editing. As Matt poked his head around the corner I had just taken my glasses off to adjust to not having them on for a second.

"You alright, kid?" I smiled as he called me kid and looked at him.

"yeah. I'm just starting to get tired now. Think I've been editing for too long. I need to pace myself a little more, rather than doing a long session if editing." Matt nodded.

"Definitely. Never get to a tiring point, unless you have plenty of content to publish for a week while you get used to editing after a break. Don't over work yourself, ok? I know you're bad for that." I smiled and nodded.

"Sir, yes sir. " I laughed to myself as Matt tried not to laugh while he shook his head.

"I hate you." He started to walk away.

"And yet you still let me live with you. Can't hate me that much!"

"Shut up! Anyway. I'll call Jaren in a little while. I'm sure he'll say yes anyways, but better ask."

"Don't make it seem like he's that desperate!" Matt laughed and poked his head back around the door frame.

"You can't tell me he isn't." I took a minute to think, and then nodded.

 I Know I Shouldnt - Smii7y X Reader  (Named) DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя