Making it work

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AN : Just one more part and back to the crack! Also reveal of the mysterious bf!

The last thing he expected today was to get a call from his boyfriend of 2 years, much less hearing that he was kicked out of the house. He was well aware of the drama in his family, having seen it since his first year. He knew how the pressure weighed heavily on the younger boy, so the second he learned he was nearby he hopped in his car and drove off. It wasn't that far thankfully, only a 15-minute drive. Thinking more about it, he probably should've told Samuel ahead of time.

But seeing how his face lit up when he saw him, he much preferred this.

"Kousuke...what are you doing here?"

"I thought you could use some comfort. And...I wanted to see you." Sakunami said mather of factly "Can I come in?"

"Ah-yeah sure." Sam stepped to the side, allowing him to enter.

"Anyone else home?"

"No. Just me," Sam said, laying down on the couch. Saku sat next to him, letting the other rest his head on his lap. With their height difference, it was the easiest way for them to talk face to face.

"So...How do you feel? About this, I mean."

"I...don't really know honestly." He let out a sigh "Frustrated? Upset? I can't really describe it. I thought not letting her control me anymore would feel better than this. I just feel....empty, I guess."

Saku listens, running his fingers through the other's hair as a calming gesture "I see. Well, what do you plan to do now?"

Sam shrugs "Hell if I know. I didn't really plan this out. I didn't bring that much with me. And it's not like I really have many options." Sam sighs again, flipping over to hide his face "As much as I hate to admit it, I don't think I have a choice to go back."

"But I thought you said-"

"Yeah, I know what I said. But what can I do? I got caught up in the motions but didn't plan for after. I don't have a job, I don't have a car, and I don't even know what I should study. I can take of myself, but just barely. The best option for me is to go back. At least I have a place to stay. Even if it's less than ideal."

The way the younger says the last two lines breaks his heart. Saku knew he really didn't want to go back, but he clearly had no hope. Sam was convinced that was his only option. But....

"....What if we move in together."

"Huh?" Sam flipped back around, looking the other in the eyes. Saku can just make out what looks to be tears in the corner of his eyes. Was he about to start crying?

"We can move in with me. Then you could study in the same college as the rest of us."

Sam's expression is hopeful, before turning back to hopelessness "I can't. I still don't have a job. I can't just let you shoulder the fiances alone."

"Sam. It's no big deal. I mean it."

"...Aren't you rooming with Kogane? What will he say?"

"Actually...even if this didn't happen I was going to ask you if you wanted to move in with me." He said a bit bashfully "Goshiki found a place for them but Kogane couldn't break the lease. However, our landlord did say if he could find someone to replace him he could take him off of it. We were going to ask if you were interested."

"You...You mean it?" His expression is back to hopeful.

"Of course. It works out for everyone. Plus...I missed you. I really hoped you would say yes because it meant we could see each other more."

"...I missed you too. A lot." Sam sat up a little, enough for him to rest his head on the smaller's shoulder "It was hard on me to be away from you. Well everyone, but you especially. I didn't realize how bad it would be. I felt really lonely."

Saku rested his hand on the other's head, steadying it so it wouldn't fall "So...Is that a yes?"

"....Yeah. Let's do it. There are still things to work out, but I think this is the best choice."

"Alright then. I'll tell Kogane then" He pressed a kiss to his forehead, causing Sam to smile.

"Later. For now, I just want you to hold me."

"Heh." He gently tilted his head up, looking into the other's eyes "Sounds good love." He leaned down, pressing their lips together.

AN: Only one person guessed I think (On AO3), but they did guess right at one point. It was in fact, Sakunami.

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