Picking up the pieces

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More angst? More angst.

"....You wanna put on your music?"

"Sniff, No."

"Okay," Luc said, going back to the silence. He had no idea what to do. 30 minutes earlier, he was cuddling his boyfriend when he got a call from his half-brother. That wasn't strange, as the two were close. What was, was him crying into it, asking for a ride. As soon as he said that, Luc threw the covers off him, put on his jacket, and drove back home.

And now here they were. Sam was sitting in the passenger seat. He wasn't crying as much as he was when Luc first got him, but the occasional tear ran down his face. It was the first time he's seen his brother get this upset.

He gripped the steering wheel tighter. He didn't know what was the reason behind his sadness, but he had a feeling it was his mom. She was a huge bitch and the main reason why Luc left 3 years ago. She was abusive, mostly psychologically and emotionally but even physically when she got drunk. He regretted leaving his brother behind, but he didn't have a choice. He couldn't stay there. Plus, Sam said it was okay. He would be fine.

"...She wants me to study business in the college one of her friends is an important member of staff. Says it'll guarantee my future." Sam said, resting his folding arms on the console.

"And you don't want to?"

"No. Of course not. I wanna go to the same college as the rest of you guys and play volleyball. I even got scholarship offers!"

"And she doesn't care?"

"No. She told me she wouldn't allow me to play anymore. That as long as I live under her roof I will follow her rules." Sam laid his head on top of his arms, resting his cheek against them.

"You can stay at our place until you figure out what to do."

"I don't wanna cause trouble...I know Kaname won't care but what about Kamasaki and Sasaya?"

"They'll understand and let you crash on our couch for a few days. If not, then I'll make them take it instead." Sam let out a giggle at that. Luc smiled, happy he seemed to be cheering up.

"Thanks bro. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it. Your mom's a mega bitch anyways. 'You live under my roof' bitch please, you don't pay the bills, let alone work. Sam laughed harder at that.


They ended up stopping for dinner when they were about 10 minutes away from the apartment. Luc used this time to text his roommates

'Material Gurrls'

Brat Tamer: Luc???

Brat Tamer: Hello???

Brat Tamer: What Happened?

Psycho(logy) Bitch: Sam had a bad fight with his mom

AssAnnihilator: The big bitch of the west?

Psycho(logy) Bitch: Yeah.

Psycho(logy) Bitch: She kicked him out and asked me to pick him up.

Psycho(logy) Bitch: He's gonna stay at our place for a few days

Brat tamer: That's fine.

Moronsexual: I'll set up the pullout.

AssAnnihilator: Does his boyfriend know he's here?

Psycho(logy) Bitch: I don't think he's told him yet.

Psycho(logy) Bitch: Oh and we stopped to get food, so what do you guys want

"Luc! Our food is ready!"

"Ah! Sorry!" Luc shut his phone off, putting it in his pocket. Sam was holding his tray, and Luc picked up his own. Sam's face was still red, but he wasn't crying anymore. And although Luc knew it wasn't over he just wanted to enjoy this one-on-one moment he had with his brother.

Because he knew things were about to get much, much worse.

Rip that Bussy AyeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon