Chapter 1- Blinding Color

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"Andromeda you are eating all the biscuits save some for your children!" My mother laughed from the other end of the long table.

"Mother these biscuits are my weakness." I grumbled between a mouth full

Mally chucked one at Thackery who looked startled
"Who? What? Where?" He said madly looking for the person who assaulted him with the food item, causing Mally and the Tweedles to laugh.

Chess appeared stirring his tea.

"Hmmm yes or better yet, save some for the rest of us."

I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue
"I'm a mother of two and up all night I believe I deserve as much biscuits as I please."

I heard a familiar laugh come next to me and a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up and smiled through my mouth full of biscuits at my loving husband who set another plate out for me.

"Don't worry, I knew this would happen and was fully prepared."

"Who's to stop her from eating that plate too?" Mally laughed

"Ever since you were little you were like this. Wake up and be as hungry as a horse."

Finally I swallowed and a worried expression came to my face.

"Where are they? They should be here by now."

"Father would bring Aries over after his lesson in buttons." Giggled Tarrant "My son the hatter."

I loved how proud Tarrant was of his children. He loved them dearly and I knew he'd be a wonderful father and he was. He spent every waking moment with them, except the one day of week where Aries, calm and collected, went to make hats with his extended family. Usually he did this towards the later afternoon since like his mother, he was not a morning person but today was an exception. While our spunky free spirited daughter, Aquila, went to work with my father or my mother at first light, and ride with them to near by villages to make sure everything was in order. They did this of coarse on my day off because I was "overprotective" apparently.

"Ok that's fine. But what about Quila? He promised me-"

"Oh you know your father." My mother mused taking a sip from her tea then putting it down "He does love his weekly rides with his granddaughter."

"She's only a child!" I groaned  "And it's their birthday lunch!"

"My shinny star it is still ten minutes till tea time."

I gave him an annoyed glance
"My love please don't say that sentence again it gives me PTSD."

"It gives you what?" Mally chuckled confused.

"Moving on!" My mother changed the subject. "Not to mention she is just as free spirited as you were at her age. My daughter do not worry. Your daughter just wants to be like you."

I sighed taking a sip of my tea that Tarrant had prepared for me.

"I know but that's what I worry about. Forgive me I'm just cranky. I'm not a morning or frankly an afternoon person these days."

"We know." They all laughed at once causing me to loosen up and burst out laughing myself.

Suddenly the galloping of horses came towards us and there I saw my father in his armor with my young daughter holding onto him. Her red curls bouncing in the air and a hug smile plastered on her face.

"Mother! Father!"

My father came to a halting stop in from of us, and my daughter hoped down and as I stood up she came and gave me a bone crushing hug causing me to laugh almost falling over.

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