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Stop wearing a ton of makeup in your face!!! It's ugly and disgusting to see! What's wrong with being natural??

I don't see the point.

Sure, I get that you want to be a little extra nice if you're going on a date or something but wearing it in school?


It's not nice with too much make up. It ruins your face and you look like a mummy. 

And how is your boyfriend going to touch your face when you have make up all over it?

I can assure you that your boyfriend will avoid to touch you as much as he can if you wear a ton of make up in your face.

Girls, you are beautiful without make up. Just saying. If you don't believe me then go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you from becoming a zombie.

I get if you wear like mascara and maybe some lipgloss but that's all you really need. You don't need these other things so your skin looks more brown or whatever.

Girls are pretty too look at. Everyone got something pretty about themselves. You just need to find it.

Go natural girls!<3



We have all seen girls' pictures on Facebook...

Stop doing duckface!!! It's so ugly!!

Yes it's REALLY ugly!

"Look at me. I'm a duck!"

No b*tch, you're trying to be a model and you failed.

And stop putting photos on facebook showing your boobs or panties or bra or whatever. Bikini is okay since you wear that in public.

But I do NOT want to see your underwear!

Are your parents proud of you?

"Look mom and dad! 1000 likes on my boobs!"

Are you fuckking kidding me?-.-"

It's just disgusting. You will NEVER get a boyfriend! Okay you will get all these pedophiles and perverts. THEY will probably like you.

I HATE attention hoes. I mean c'mon! They are playing too much with their boobs, duckface and makeup. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

Like this guy on FB. Luke Baskett or whatever. WHY in the whole wide world would I add him??? I liked a page because they have funny photos and then all of a sudden they put out a photo on him??? Like WTF!? I didn't like tha page just to see his ugly face! It's like you don't pay a shirt and then throw it away. Or something.

And apparently the guy has a girlfriend. Smart when you could have got MANY girl fans. Girls like boys who's single so they can think that they have a chance.

Bad mistake man. But it's your life.

Just one comment about your girlfriend: She's fake. Her body is skinny as hell and she's playing too much. But I guess love is love. If you now even love eachother...

So, now I got my anger out! it feels good!!



Girls. WHY!? WHY!? WHY!?

What's wrong with your natural breasts??

Sure there are guys who wants girls with big boobs. But the most guys wantgirls with natural breasts. It's so much nicer.

Aren't implants pretty hard? Doesn't it feel fake when you have implants?

Sure I get if you get implants if you have no breasts at all. But these girls who takes the biggest size?? WHY!? It just shows that you are insecure about yourself so you hide behind your titties.

I would rather have a girl with natural breasts so i can have them to myself than a girl with implants so all the other men will look at them.

I won't fight over fake breasts. Why would I?? It would always be a competition between me and other men.

Plus just because you get bigger boobs doesn't mean that you get hotter. You get slutty. And that's something guys don't like about girls. We don't like it and we won't have something to do with them.

Sure guys maybe tell you that "Oh fake boobs are so good!" but they are just immature and/or young.

Guys like natural girls and nothing else (there are exceptions of course).


Sorry if this was long but I just had to put everything in one. I thought that was the best.

Don't put mean comments or anything. Sure we can discuss things but I don't want hateful comments! Keep them to yourselves.

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT (just remember what i said about it. Thanks).


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