The date

190 3 17

This chapter may be crazy but I promise you all that the story is not ending yet and hopefully you don't hate Sergio too much.

Sergio had just pulled into Frida's drive-in.

Sergio got out of the car and went over to the door.

Sergio rang on the door bell.

Frida opened the door.

(i am going to call Frida for F)

F: hii

S: hey you look gorgeous

F: thank you

S: are you ready to go

F: yep.. btw i still don't know your name

S: i am Salva.. Salvador Martin

F: great to know you Salva

Frida got up on her toes and kissed Sergio on the cheek.

S: let's go

Sergio took Frida's hand.

They went into the car.

In the car.

F: Did you bring your pills with you

S: oh fuck i forgot them.. can i drive home quickly and get them

F: of course

15 minutes later Sergio had just pulled into his own drive-in.

S: stay here i will be right back

F: okay

Sergio went into the house.

R: Are you already home?

S: no i just forgot something

R: okay

Sergio quickly ran upstairs and got the pills.

Sergio went downstairs.

S: bye

R: wait

Sergio had just opened the door.

Sergio froze.

Raquel went over to Sergio.

S: do i need to pick something up on the way home

R: no

Raquel placed her hands around Sergio's neck.

Raquel got up on her toes.

Sergio placed his hands around Raquel's waist and pulled her close.

Raquel gave Sergio a long kiss.

R: i love you

S: i love you too

R: you can go now

Sergio went out of the door and closed the door.

Sergio went back into the car.

Sergio started driving the car.

F: who was that woman

S: Oh Isabella she's my girlfriend (Isabella was Raquel's new name)

F: does she know that your with me

S: no

F: are you going to tell her?

S: this could be our little secret

F: fine with me

Sergio and Frida had just arrived at the restaurant.

They were sitting down in the restaurant now.

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