The first day of school

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It has been 2 weeks since the romantic day and Marivi had come home from her trip.

It was only 1 day before Paula started school. She is starting 4th grade.

It was 1 pm (they were really tired from he day before)

Raquel was sleeping and Sergio was watching her. He kissed her forehead and little after Raquel woke up. She noticed that Sergio was watching her sleep.

R: Sergio (she said in a sleepy voice)

S: umm

R: where you watching me sleep again

S: I am sorry My love I can't stop watching you when you sleep you look so cute

R: so you are saying that I am only cute when I am sleeping

S: no no i didn't say that you are always cute

Raquel got closer to Sergio and kissed him. Suddenly they could hear footsteps. It was Paula who opened the door.

P: Good morning mom and dad

S/R: good morning sweetie

R: Paula

P: yes

R: how many times have I told you to knock on the door first before coming in

P: I am sorry mommy

R: good that you say sorry but you are starting in 4th grade you have to learn soon okay

P: okay

Paula walked over to her parents and hugged them

P: so what are we gonna do today

S: what about we go shopping for some school stuff so you are ready for school tomorrow

R: yeah Sergio that's a great idea what do you think Paula

P: yay I want to go

S: sweetie why don't you go down steers and wait for me and your mom

P: why

S: we are gonna go take a shower

P: okey

Paula left Sergio and Raquel got into the shower.

After 20 minutes they got out of the shower dressed up and went downstairs where Paula and Marivi was watching tv

R: good morning mom

M: good evening sweet heart it's 1 pm you guys finally woke up

Raquel laughed a little bit

S: good evening Marivi

M: good evening Sergio

S: Marivi have you and Paula eaten anything today

M: Oh yes we have Sergio we ate breakfast at 10 am and then we ate lunch at 12:15 pm

S: okay then Raquel why don't you go and sit with them then i am gonna go and make something to eat

Raquel nodded and went to sit with Paula and Marivi

After 15 minutes Sergio was done making food. He made two chicken sandwiches with some fresh orange juice on the side.

S: lunch is ready Raquel

R: i am coming

Raquel walked up to the table and sit down

R: umm my love it looks and smell delicious

S: thank you mi amor

Raquel smiled and they started eating.

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