Family dinner

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It was the next day.

Everyone in the house were sleeping.

The clock was now 9 am and Paula slowly woke up.

Paula opened her eyes and saw her parents sleeping while hugging.

P: what am i doing here (she said with a sleepy voice)

Sergio opened his eyes slowly.

S: good morning sweetie

P: good morning dad

P: what am i doing here

S: your aunt Tokyo and another aunt is sleeping in your room so you are sleeping with us

P: okay

P: what's the clock

Sergio checked his watch.

S: it's 9 am

P: can i go downstairs and watch some tv

S: Paula sweetie one of your uncles are sleeping in the living room but you can go into the other living room

P: which living room

S: you can sit in the living room where the kitchen is

P: okay i will go downstairs

S: try not to wake anyone up okay

P: okay bye

S: bye sweetie

Paula left the room and went downstairs.

Sergio looked down and saw Raquel laying in his arms sleeping.

Sergio kisset Raquel on her forehead.

R: umm

Raquel opened her eyes slowly.

S: good morning my love

R: good morning carino

Raquel and Sergio looked into each other's eyes.

Raquel gave Sergio a deeply kiss on the lips. Sergio kissed her back.

Raquel got up from Sergio's arms and sat right next to him.

R: where is Paula?

S: she just left she's downstairs watching tv

R: okay why don't i go downstairs and make some breakfast for us all

S: no no i will order something you can just lay down and relax

R: okay then order something now so that the food is ready when they wake up

S: of course i will order it now

R: i will go downstairs

S: i will come to after i have had a shower

R: okay

Raquel got up from the bed and got dressed.

Raquel went downstairs. Sergio called a restaurant and ordered some breakfast after he went to the bathroom and started showing.

Raquel was now downstairs in the living room with Paula.

R: good morning sweetie

P: good morning mommy

P: is aunt Tokyo awake

R: i don't know but you can go upstairs and go into your room and change your clothes

P: okay

Paula went upstairs and went into her room.

Paula opened the door.

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