Ellie gasped in shock as she happily hugged Harry, "Second place!", she said as he smiled widely at her and the rest of his friends who stood beside him. 

The task had ended as everyone got back in the paddle boats to get back to the school. Ellie grabbed onto George's hand as he helped her out of the paddle boat and onto the dock. 

"Right on. All that moral fiber, eh?", Fred teased Harry who was still wrapped in a towel as the group walked towards Hogwarts. "It's great, moral fiber."

"Blimey, even when you go wrong it turns out right.", Ron said. "Yeah, well done Moral Fiber.", George said before he grabbed Ellie's hand leading her back to the castle while Harry stood back with Mr. Crouch. Ellie smiled up at George before she saw something in the corner of her eye. She turned slightly and saw Professor Moody watching closely as Harry talked to Crouch. She narrowed her eyes at him before walking faster to keep up with George and his long legs. 

Later that night, Ellie was walking alongside Harry as they were with Hagrid, Ron and Hermione walking through the forest. Hagrid was complimenting Harry on how well he did in the task and saying how he was going to be the youngest Triwizard Tournament Champion. Harry smiled lightly as they continued walking before he grabbed at his scar and gasped lightly. "What's wrong? Your scar hurting again?", Ellie asked him. Harry nodded his head before he looked straight ahead to see a hat on the ground. Ellie looked too and recognized the hat to belong to Mr. Crouch. Ellie quickly stood in front of Harry and raised her hands defensively with her magic beginning to flow around them as they both took small steps towards the hat. Ellie looked onwards and saw a pair of legs poking out from behind a tree. She tensed up as she slowly walked toward the tree and gasped in horror as she saw the body of Mr. Crouch, dead, lying on the ground. How could this had happened? She had just saw him alive and well merely hours ago. 

"Mr. Crouch?", she heard Harry say from behind her as she turned around to face him. Ellie grabbed his shoulder and quickly turned him around, "We need to go to Dumbledore now, Harry."

Harry and Ellie entered Dumbledore's office quietly and immediately heard him arguing with someone. "A man has died here, Fudge, and he won't be the last. You must take action!"

"I will not! In times like these, the wizard world looks to its leaders for strength, Dumbledore!", Ellie heard Fudge say as the two of them quietly walked closer to the sound of the adults arguing. 

"Then for once show them some!"

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be canceled. I will not be seen as a coward."

"A true leader does what he thinks is right no matter what others think.", Dumbledore said as Ellie peaked closer to see him sitting as his desk with Fudge leaning over it and Professor Moody near by. Ellie quickly leaned away behind the wall next to Harry and motioned for him to be quiet. Her suspicions towards Moody had been growing day after day and after seeing Mr.  Crouch's body in the woods she grew even more suspicios of the man with the weird eye. 

"What did you say? What did you say to me?"

"Excuse me, gentlemen. It may interest you to know this conversation is no longer private.", Moody said before he took out his wand and opened the door to reveal Harry about to knock and Ellie beside him. Ellie shooted a glare at Moody as the two of them slowly walked into the room. 

"Oh, Harry. Harry, how good to see you. You as well Miss. Gwydion.", Fudge said with a clearly fake smile, trying to hide his concerns and how he was acting just moments ago. Ellie rolled her eyes at the man as Dumbledore got up from his desk. 

"We can come back later, Professor."

"Oh, not necessary, Harry. The minister and I are done. I'll be back in a moment. Minister, after you. There you are. Your hat.  Oh, Harry, Ellie, do feel free to indulge in a little Licorice Snap in my absense. But I have to warn you, they're a wee bit sharp.", Dumbledore said as he and the minister walked out of his office leaving just Moody with Harry and Ellie. Moody quickly followed Dumbledore but not before giving the two students a look and using his wand to shut the door behind him. 

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