Strange New World CH.9 Bath Time /Pt.1

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So, when I discovered my mistake the next day, and after swiftly cursing my stupidity and inattention, I asked Pod if he had any map that would point out a safe place with water that was not a muddy puddle and was drinkable, at least when boiled.He displayed a map from which I could not read at all. It looked like a combination of 2D and 3D maps into one without clear geographic objects, such as a river, hill or even a forest. Fortunately, I didn't have to bother with her anymore when he offered to guide me towards my goal.We left early in the morning, or so I can tell from my nearly dead phone where i seted normal time in this world is, but I wasn't in the mood to travel. It was hard to sleep practically on the floor with a piece of hay tied with a string and wrapped in a cloth that serves as a pillow.My entire body was in pain. Luckily the road itself was calm. Surprisingly, I have not met huge robots with neon lights like in science fiction movies,only the small ones which we tried to avoid .

The only machines we encountered were small, two-legged robots with spherical heads and disproportionate body sizes. Before any of them could notice us, my POD was destroying all of them with his gatling gun, which made me almost deaf when he shot me overhead.However, after some time of our trip and a few incidents involving the killing of machines that were too close to us, we started to leave the buildings destroyed with age, which were less and less, and finally we went to an empty asphalt road and after about 30 minutes' walk we turned directly towards the forest.------------------------------------------------- "Pod, are we still far away? I know that you gave me the distance, probably in a straight line, but I remind you that you will still have to go back."

It was bad. I felt dehydrated and sweaty. I was sure my hair was so greasy it looked like deep-oiled French fries. Oh, additionally there was no trodden path, we just walked through tall grass, bushes, but luckily for me my face had not yet encountered a spider and a spider on it, which was an undoubted advantage. Can you imaginer spiders after few thousands of years how bigger they could be ?. Jesus Christ i can't imagine what is happening in Australia.

- "Why didn't you tell me that it would be better to take a motorcycle? We would have saved so much time and energy, but no, because you think that I am some kind of athlete who will run a few kilometers in a few minutes. Even with you I won't sweat". After a while I added.

- "If I had taken a motorcycle, no machines would have caught up with us. I doubt that they would be able to run at high speeds, looking at their stupid construction. However, apart from aesthetic issues, I would easily overtake even the larger ones because I doubt that any of them would be able to run 100 kilometers per hour like in some fucking anime. "It's kind of ridiculous. The fact that the creations of an alien civilization that is able to cross space in conquering other civilizations ,that have probably mastered the technology of interstellar travel created such disgusting and rusty robots.{- "The data of this unit says that a man who leads a balanced diet and engages in physical activity is able to cover such a distance without major problems. Additionally, words such as: anime have not been recognized, but judging by the tone in which they were used, this unit states, that it is contempt}- "And what about it?" I spat it out of my mouth as I climbed and jumped off the fallen tree.{- "This word has been put on the local old word list, and I get the category as: Contempt, curse"}- "Wait, what!? Ouh! .." At that moment, I ran my face into a twig of some bush that I had not noticed.- "Pfff. I bet none of these people would be able to pass through this practically Vietnamese jungle. It's stuffy here after the last rain, hot and the ground is wet. what I am now... and get the word anime off that list, that doesn't mean contempt! "- "Ehhh, I swear it's just a moment and soon OH SHIT ..!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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