Conversations,disbelief and missions.

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(Jack Pov)

I must go back there. 

This was my first think,why? .Well, after I ran away and then when I poured into the tank of my motorcycle which was running on new fuel and kept going, I noticed a sign on the highway which informed about road to another city. Well, actually a town where a maximum of 30,000 or 50,000 inhabitants could live, which could be seen when you loked at city. 

However, unlike a village in the Czech Republic, not even half of the buildings have survived here. I mean, there were buildings, but they resembled ancient structures that lacked some walls or were just collapsed. Unfortunately I couldn't get any closer to at least the city center. Hell, I didn't even leave its suburbs when I saw what was at the gas station. But now machines were full operational and working. Although I tried not to panic at the beginning and wanted to establish a friendly contact with them, I regretted it very quickly.

 As soon as they saw me, their eyes turned from yellow to red, which was not a good sign as I thought.I was right and very right when they started shouting "KILL KILL KILL" in English and started rushing straight at me. But it wasn't all that bothered me. Actually, I didn't even care that much because all the robots I saw were much smaller than me and were very rusty. But when they approached me and left the buildings all the time, I realized that they were outnumbered. Enormously outnumbered. It was practically the entire army that started rushing straight to me. But there weren't just those little metal creatures there. I noticed other robots that scared me too. I saw machines with swords, axes, other clubs of homemade rooty, but they were still very sharp. It all rushed straight at me, ready to tear me to shreds, shouting "KILL, KILL, KILL" all the time. .I was standing at the end of a sun-bleached viaduct, looking at everything that was going on in front of me, remembering that I had a gun and a pocket knife, I did the bravest thing in my life.I turned back and ran away.

 Just like that, without even looking back, I rushed as fast as I could, as much as the factory that produced this bike allowed, and I was driving until I got to the exact same place and turnout from which I turned an hour earlier to check if in the city were any people.The place itself was like the rest of the highway. There was heat in the air and a faint smell of heated asphalt that I could even smell through my dark adidas with red stripes on the sides and a white sole. I was wearing only pants and a green short-sleeved T-shirt but it was still hot as I stood still. In addition, I feel something that if it is still so hot, the fluid in the motorcycle radiator will run out and either the engine will overheat or I will have to find a new one, which I sincerely doubt.

This means that if I have to go to a place where people who have not been banished by these robots live, I need to know the direction without wasting time checking every town until my engine overheats or fuel runs out, because next time I may not have that much. good luck to find them, and I'm sure that was the one-in-a-million chance I found and it won't happen twice.And if I have to choose between robots I met in town and this particular black flying robot I met at a gas station and shot him I'd rather pick him.

It seems strange even to me, but unlike the machines in the city, he didn't attack me right away, he just stood there and stared at me until I got my gun out.In fact, when I think about it now, I feel stupid and I'm ashamed that I panicked and ran away unnecessarily. I bet if I hadn't pointed the gun at him, he wouldn't have tried to attack me either ,he wasn't just defending himself,? if he were like those city machines he would shoot me before I could move any muscle in my skinny body.Besides, this thing could be a chance to get out of this crap. Means for sure I would find someone in the end, it is only a matter of time, but I prefer to save it and not look for people all days, guided only by my gut. After all, because of my stupidity, I can only move away from them more and more and only by extending my way to civilization, in the end I have no idea about the place where people live, because it is clearly visible that they are no longer here. Hell, I don't even know what year it is! the only thing I saw from the future is a gas mask that doesn't even know if it works or is useless due to the lack of a filter or its destruction.

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