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I struggle against Bonnie's paw, but he just grips tighter. "Mphm! Hmph!" I try to yell out to Foxy. Chica lets go of me and brings out an animatronic head. I wriggle my head, slightly slipping through Bonnie's paw.

I shake some more, until my mouth is no longer covered. "Chica! If you can hear me, DON'T DO THIS! BONNIE! LET GO!" I struggle and kick my feet. Just as Chica was about to put the head onto mine, Foxy and Freddy burst out, tumbling on the ground and swiping at each other.

"Foxy! He-MHP!" Bonnie re-does his grip. "ARGH! Ye be no match for 'tis ol' buccaneer!" He swipes at Freddy with his hook again and gets him, right in the nose. Out of instinct, he lets go of Foxy to cradle the wound. "Aye lass! I be coming!"

He jumps up and runs over to me. Bonnie moves away from Foxy. "We ha-have to put th-this endo-endoskele-endoskeleton in a s-suit Fo-Foxy!" Chica walks over to me and picks up the head. I kick at Bonnie and he lets go of me for a split second.
"NO! Foxy! Quick! Go to the main server!Three, six, two, three! The code! NOW!" I try to run, but Freddy blocks the door after Foxy leaves. "Yo-you can't le-leave! You-you're st-stuck w-with u-us!" I hear Foxy running down the hall and his footsteps fading away.

Freddy grabs me.

I hear the last of Foxy's footsteps.

Chica picks up the head once again.

I hear the beeping of the keypad.

Chica puts the head onto mine and pushes down.

I hear the door open, and then the whirring of a generator.

Just as it was going to kill me, she released the head. A drop of blood trailed down the side of my head. Freddy dropped me on the ground. They all regained their normal eye color, instead of the red and black.
I look at them.
They look at me.
Foxy comes in and hugs me.

"Ahoy lass! I be glad that you're alive!" He sets me down and looks at the others.
"Now, ye sprogs almost killed me first mate. What do ye 'ave to say for ye self?"

The group, dizzily, shakes their head, and stands, one-by-one. Bonnie grabs the table wearily, and Chica scoots over to a corner and rests her head in her hands. Freddy looks at me. He stands up and puts his paw on my shoulder. I flinch, badly, my eyes fluttering as I jerk my shoulder away..

"Ash.. I can't describe how much we love you. How much we care about you. We would never try to hurt you. Well.. Thats why we don't want you to have the night shift. We lose our memories of people, of friends- of you." He sighs.

Well, as close as an animatronic can get to sighing.

"We, everyone, would hate to see that we lost our memory of you, in the night, and we... stuffed you into a suit. I would never forgive myself. I doubt Bonnie or Chica would as well. We care for you Ash, and we wouldn't want to see you hurt. I'm, we, all of us, are sorry. Will you forgive us?" He looks at me, and I see the remorse in his eyes.

"That, uh, was the most heartfelt sorry I have ever had. I will never forget this... experience but, yes, I forgive you, because that is what friends do." I hug him, and the walk over to Bonnie and Chica and hug them both. I stand by Foxy and check the time. 4:15. I look at everyone.

"Well, my shift isn't over. I have around an hour and a half left..." We all glance at each other. "I have a question; your voice boxes glitch in the night, but whenever you're connected with the main server, you don't glitch. Why?" Bonnie steps forward.

"Our voice boxes are connected to the server. When it shuts down, we resort to our old ones. That's why we glitch in the night, but not in the day." I nod. It's silent now. Angie peeks in. "Umm... I noticed that you guys aren't trying to kill each other now... can I come in?"

"Yeah," I answer. She steps in and glances around nervously. I look at everyone and I smile.

Then I start giggling.

Then a full out laugh escapes from my mouth. I cover it quickly, but then I start laughing again. Everyone stares at me.

"Aye, Ash, might... ye be ok?" I don't respond. I'm to busy laughing.

"Guys, I think she's in shock." Chica looks at me. I fall down and start heave-laughing. Freddy stares at me.
"I think she's dying."

Bonnie takes a step closer. "Umm... should we help her?"

I laugh some more. Angie starts to giggle. "What? Her laugh is contagious!" I try to calm down. I get up, with a silly grin still plastered on my face. "Matey, why might ye be laughing." I shake my head. "I.. Don't know."
Freddy raises an eye. "You.. don't know why you were laughing?"

I shrug.

"I get laugh attacks. Don't judge me." Angie glances at the clock. "Hey, it's four thirty. And I'm starving. Anyone wanna raid the fridge?" I raise my hand. "I ate my snacks on the way here."

Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy all nod. "We may not eat, but we do like hanging around." Chica says. Then she brightens up.

"Ooh! I'll make pizza!" I shake my head. "We don't want anyone spilling liquid on theirselves. It might short out your wires."
"Our feathers, and fur, are completely water-proof. Well... except for... Foxy..."

I look at him. "I need to bring my sewing kit. I might be able to stitch the holes." He brightens up.

I look at Chica.
"Chef, bring us your finest pizza please." I say in a royal tone. She nods. Freddy and Bonnie bring us soda. After a bit, Chica brings out the pizza. I take a bite. "Wow.. Pish ip burry bood!" I say. I swallow and repeat.

"This is amazing Chica!" She nods. "I make all the pizzas here, of course, after the people are gone and before we're shut down."

Angie takes a bite. "Wow. I have no words for how amazing this is." We continue to chat and laugh all through till 5:58.

"Sorry guys, we have to go." I say, picking up my empty soda cup and my pizza plate. Bonnie frowns.
"Really? Aw....." I shake my head. I'll be here tomorrow night." Angie gulps down the rest of her Sprite.

"And I'll pretend to shut down the servers, so you guys get to stay up all night!"
"Why would you need to pretend?"
"There's security cameras in that area. The boss, or Mr. Hunter, reviews the cameras every night. If I don't go over to turn the server off, he'll fire me. So, I have to pretend to turn them off." I dump my cup and plate into a nearby trash can and walk to the office to grab my pack.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow night! Bye!" I swing the door open as they climb back onto the stage and Foxy into his cove. I turn around to the blinding light of our car. "Hey Angie? Do you need a ride home?" She nods. "I forgot my mom works late today." "So you guys are all night owls huh?" I open the door for her.
"Yep. Pretty much." She swings in and buckles up.
I jump into the front seat.
"Hey mom? You remember Angie, right?"

"Of course hon! You giving her a ride?"


"Could you head to 9106 Maple Parkway please? Thanks for driving me home!" She looks at me. I smile. "No prob!"
And we drive home chatting and laughing. She waves goodbye and walks to her house.
We drive home, and I instantly fall asleep on the couch, dreaming about my job.

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