Veranke (The Skrull Queen)

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It had been a long day for the Avengers as they had just finished dealing with some Hydra members who were trying to make some new weapon.

Thankfully the weapon wasn't functional and after they were defeated the weapon and any future plans for its use were destroyed before they left.

Peter was exhausted and wanted to just lay back and relax, Avengers work was far different than the work he did for the city not that that wasn't important too but he dealt with his own villains who had very simple plans with a few exceptions who were a bit more devious.

However he was worried more so for his work wife Spider-Woman or Jessica Drew, she seemed really out of it lately and he was worried something was wrong with her. Initially he thought it was from having to deal with Hydra but it went beyond their recently completed mission.

"Hey Jess." He called to her as she was leaving.

"What?" She replied quite fiercely, making Peter flinch a little at her tone.

"It's just... I'm worried about you. You've been... out of it recently and I just wanted to see if... I don't know... you wanna talk or something." He tried to explain sheepishly.

"Talk? To you? Pfft yea right, but I'll pass thank you." She replied condescendingly as she turned her back and began to walk away from him.

Peter was left confused and honestly a bit hurt by what she said but decided to leave things as they were and left the tower to return to his apartment.

Unknowingly to Peter and the rest of the Avengers Jessica wasn't really Jessica, it was actually Veranke the Skrull Queen who had infiltrated the team by impersonating Jessica in order to begin her invasion and take over the Earth.

Taking out a communication device Veranke contacted her forces on the ship outside the Earths orbit to deliver information to her soldiers.

"Infiltration of the Avengers team has been successful. No one suspects that Spider-Woman has been replaced. Orders for the invasion will be arriving soon, stay vigilant. This planet will be ours." She says before deactivating the communicator and hiding it in her room.

A few days later

The heroes were taking some down time and decided to have a little fun. Wolverine, Ben Grimm, Luke Cage and Danny Rand were gathered round the Poker table with a silent Spider-Man and an imposter spider-Woman joining them.

"What's wrong webs? Not like you to be so quiet." The Thing asked while looking at a visibly down spidey.

"Hmm, oh it's nothing Ben it's just... huh, I broke up with my girlfriend so I'm not feelin' the best right now." Peter says sadly.

"Sorry to hear that buddy." Ben says while looking at his cards again.

"Eh whaddy gonna do bub." Said Wolverine after taking a drink from his beer.

"I dunno. I thought we could make it work this time." Spidey said sadly.

Throwing his cards on the table Peter gets up from the table to get breather on the outside balcony.

Veranke watches this, perplexed by his actions. She didn't know the man under the mask, she thought that with the names Spider-Man and Spider-Woman that they were married or at least a couple, but that wasn't the case.

What she was able to gather was that apparently this man was quite emotional and prone to some misfortune and when that happened he appeared to be in a kind of dreary mood and go into a slump for a while before bouncing back.

She initially passed it over but couldn't help but admire his resolve and determination. No matter how bad things got Spider-Man always pulled through in the end, and from Jessica's memories he seemed quite reliable even though most of the team hadn't the best opinion of him.

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