Chapter 2

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How did she get here? when? why? by who...and how was she going to get out? The last thing she remembered was heading down the road to Luke's.

She'd been to the infirmary to see Jace, but hadn't stayed long, things had gotten a little out of hand and he had banished her, terrified she would go up in a fury of flames, at his hands. Everything else was blank, but she reasoned if she had made it to Luke's or not.

Buzzing with nervous energy she snapped her head into action. Clary started swinging and yanking at the chains willing then to break free, taking a breath she leaped into the air swinging her body up, getting a better grip on the chains she yanked her body down. Clary felt pain in her hands and wrists, she looked up to see that the sharp pains where because of cuts given to her by the iron cuffs.

She hissed out a breath as she yanked at the chains once more.

"A useless effort, I'm afraid"

Clary's fingers slipped from the chain. A sharp yelp left her as she fell to the floor painfully, but she desperately pulled her self upright, her mouth was dry and breathing heavenly.

She looked up.

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