2 [Future Sight]

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Imperial Year 1307 March 16th
Republic of Belgica, Weltzenberg Province
Aether Density & Trend: 97% & slowly decreasing

»That'll do, lieutenant. The maintenance team is ready for your return ASAP.

An order sounded from her communicator.

«I barely made it out of that mess alive...»

She pulled her whip back, and touched the receiver.

"I think I got most of their higher-ups. But there was one guy in the raff that seemed to figure out how the Orbment works."

She gazed across the trenches.

»You think he's gonna cause us trouble?

Sofia considered it for a moment.

"If we let him go now, it might come back to bite us later. It might be different for the rest of the Harriers, but I certainly don't want to run into him again."

»I think I understand what you mean. Just prioritize retreating for now, and you can tell me more once you're back. The rendezvous point is a kilometer north of you; I'll send one of the Harriers to come and get you.

"...Understood. Thanks, major."

The sounds of flame magic and gunshots continued overhead. Southwest Weltzenberg... She'd no doubt end up returning to this battlefront. She took one last look at the Imperian trenches before setting out.

«Magitek isn't the only thing capable of tearing the land apart- people can do that all on their own... I guess.»


There were 500 meters to the meeting point.

«Still half a kilometer... What a pain.»

With a practiced hand, Sofia re-wrapped her whip around her forearm. The glass sphere set into the handle sparkled slightly as it caught the sunlight. Unsure if its remaining magic charge would last, she stepped forward.

«They really were wearing Imperian uniforms. I wonder what a country like that sees in a place like this...»

Grey skies and grey fields- and because of the magic bombardment, even the buildings that were left standing were dyed ashen grey. She'd come so far from her home, but-

«Damn. It barely looks any different.» 

Imperio's intention suddenly seemed obvious. Britannia had invaded her homeland- she'd always been told it was only a matter of course. The circumstances were no doubt the same for the people in this bleak excuse for a country, as well.


Northwest of Welztenberg
Britannian Airship Ground Base

Sofia stretched out her arms.

"Would you care to remind me why exactly I had to walk for four hours?"

Major Arwn wiped the bridge of his nose.

"You're in the wrong profession to be asking questions like that. Besides, there's no point in complaining to me after having walked it."

"If I wanted a job where I didn't have to use my brain I wouldn't have left Britannia."

"Cless walked for just as long as you and he's not complaining."

"Speaking of someone without a brain..."

"Need I remind you that you're all in the same squad. Things aren't going to work out in the long run if you keep up the same attitude you had at the academy."

"I'm aware. You said the same thing when the Harriers were formed."

The major gave a sidelong look to Cless, who was loitering at another table in the mess hall. Arwn's mouth was curved into a smile, but as usual, the look in his eyes belied an inner grimace.

"Just try to get along. Our job can only get easier... More to the point, tell me about that guy you think figured out the Orbment. We have enough time while the Research team is doing maintenance, so I'd like to hear your report, lieutenant."



"It's gotten rather late. How are you holding up?"

Chelsea, one of the members of the field maintenance team, was using a magitech device to inspect Sofia's condition.

"My legs hurt. I feel fine otherwise, though..."

Chelsea set the book-type onto a table, and passed a cube-shaped object over to Sofia.

"Hmm, there don't seem to be any issues. Next, could you try filling this cube with aether?"

"I've been examined a few times now, and I still don't understand exactly what all these tools are for."

Sofia took the tool, and tried to see if she recognized it from the slew of next generation magitech tools she'd seen in the mainland.

«Go figure. The people at that CEMI seminar barely explained anything before we were shipped out.»

Just as instructed, she channeled her aether into the cube. Perpendicular lines across the cube's surface shone with a rainbow-colored light.

"This cube is a research-use Orbment. You can think of it as like a copy of your weapon. Oh, you can stop now."

Chelsea stopped writing her report, and retrieved the cube Orbment from her examinee. She set the device onto a different table than the book.

"And the book-shaped one?"

"I think you'll understand if I just show you."

The examiner grabbed the magitech book once more, and opened it. Within, there were depictions of the Harrier squad members. Surrounding their bodies were numerous strange lines.

"It uses magic to draw a picture?"

"More or less. It can depict the pathways of the body's aether; observing and documenting these pathways is the Field Maintenance team's most important job. Though, due to the location, the depictions come out a little hard to read..."

The lines on the pages were mostly the same color. Chelsea continued:

"I'm not entirely sure of the conditions myself, but supposedly differing locations can produce a more vibrantly colored image."

The grey picture—and the grey scenery. The two overlapped in Sofia's mind's eye. A vibrant color, in this country...

«Now wouldn't that be something?»


Setting Digest • Part 2

The Caledonian Autonomous Territory

There was not originally a unified country called "Britannia." In the south was Briton, in the west, Cymru, and in the north, Caledon. Historically, invaders from Greca called the island's defenders "Bretons." When those defenders triumphed against the invaders, they took that insulting name for themselves, using it instead as a mark of pride.

Wanting for land and resources, the Briton royal family—the Pendragon clan—occupied Caledon. "For the sake of a unified island's peoples, and their protection." "Historically, the Caledonians were the last to aid in the defense against the invaders, and contributed the least. The day may come when they betray and invade us." Such was the Pendragons' justification, and thus a bloody civil war began. Several years later, Caledon was annexed. Even now, the Caledonians must live with the reality of unjust discrimination and racial hate crimes, trampled underfoot by an indifferent royal family.

Be that as it may, within the Britannian military, people who witnessed the horror of the civil war are currently fighting for the sake of the Caledonians—for the sake of a brighter, more just future.

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