Chapter 1

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The first thing Clary registered was the sweltering heat. Wearily, she cracked her emerald eyes open, lifting her head from where it had been lulling against her chest. Light flickered from a bulb fixed to a wall on her left.

She was in some kind of basement, a set of stone steps to the right where leading up to a shut door. The room was more dusty then anything else, cobwebs dangling from the corners of the ceiling.

The room was completely empty, aside from a brass-framed double bed. It was pushed against the far wall, opposite from where she stood-for she was standing, her bare-feet planted firmly on the ground.

Her red curls where sticking to her temples with sweat. She reflexively moved her hands, intending to scrape her hair back from her face. But she couldn't, she looked up to find her hands suspended above her head trapped in thick iron cuffs that hung from a chain imbedded in the white celling.

Clary instantly started yanking at the cuffs, her wrists rubbing together against the rim. Her heart begin racing, stuttering, she glimpsed at the other metal chains nailed to the walls around her, driving her into further panic.

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