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He was denied bail.

Am I crying because I still love him and I might never see him, or because im pregnant with his child. Oh or it could be hormones, yea lets say that.

Im sitting In my car after Spencers trial is you could even call it that. I left when he was dragged out of the room. I didn't want anyone to see me crying.

Lmao imagine crying because the man who left you and got you pregnant got arrested. Oh and you still love him. I don't have to imagine.

Starting my car I drive to the grocery story so I can get stuff for dinner. Im making shrimp Alfredo for jack and I. Comfort food. jack stopped arguing with me on what he wants to eat. I feel bad because half the time its cravings and he's usually stuck eating left overs. Maybe I should hire a chef, or meal prep. God why is he only 11 why can't he be 16 so he can drive.

Walking out of the grocery store with way more then 2 people can eat I load up the Tesla and drive home. I turn on the radio and "The Red Means I Love you" by Madds Buckley is playing.

Great, the day Spencer gets shipped off to prison our song plays in the car.

(Yes I know the song is abt unaliving someone)

*flash back*

Spencer and I are in the car sitting in silence. Not uncomfortable silence but silence none the less. The radio is playing softly and Spencer has one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh. Its a rainy day but those are the best days. the song changes and "The Red Means I Love You" by Madds Buckley comes on.

"Pull into that parking lot right there" I say and he does no questions asked. When the car stopped I get out.

"Sabrina get back in the car its raining" he says

"No, turn the music up and dance with me" I say dancing in the rain. He turns the music up and gets out of the car

"We're going to get sick my love" he says

"Dance with me" I say holding out my hand for him to take.

"'Cause your insides are red, and yours are too

And the red on my face is matching you

And goodness you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling

You're down, and you're pleading, my head is just reeling"

"You know this song is about murder right" he says

"Just dance lover boy" I say.

We dance until the song ends then we get back in the car. Shivering because we're cold and wet.

"Thank you for dancing with me" I say

"Thank you for loving me" he says

"God you're suck a dork" I say kissing him.

*End of flashback*

Now im crying again just great.

I pull into my driveway and wipe my face before jack sees me. Forgetting I had on mascara.

I text jack so he can help with the groceries.

He comes down a few seconds later.

"What's wrong why were you crying, are you hurt" he says coming closer.

"No im okay just a rough afternoon" I say

"Go lay down ill get the groceries" he says

"Its okay I can help" I say trying to grab a grocery bag

"No, you're 4 months pregnant. Please just wait inside" he pleads

"Ok" I give up.

I walk up the stairs to my room so I can change out of my work clothes and into so comfy clothes.

Taking one last look in the mirror I pull my shirt up so I can see my bump. I still can't get over the fact that im going to be a mother.

i pull my shirt down and walk down stairs. Jack is putting the groceries away.

"i left the ingredients for dinner out" he says.

I cook the Alfredo and we eat while watching princess and the frog.

Spencer's Pov

Bail was denied. Im being sent to prison pending trial. On top of that Sabrina was there. She watched me be dragged away in handcuffs. 

Spencer's Pov

Bail was denied. Im being sent to prison pending trial. On top of that Sabrina was there. She watched me be dragged away in handcuffs. I didn't know this would happen. All I want is a big happy family and now I may never get that.

A/n short chapter but idrc



Word count: 707

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