35 1 0

Its been two weeks since i moved and started eating regularly. But every morning ive been puking, like every morning 645 sharp. Which is odd because I rarely throw up even when im drunk. Jack left last week they still dont know I moved.

Walking into my warehouse I see my assistant helping with product testing.

"Maria when you're done can you meet me in my office" I say loud enough for her to hear me over the machinery.

"Okay" she responds. Walking to my office I stop by the kitchenette to make myself a Shirley temple (sprite with grenadine topped with a maraschino cherry) one thing ive been craving all week. Craving, a funny word dont you think. Taking my drink to office I sit down and read my emails. After about 20 minutes I check the social media pages (@caincosmeticsofficial) views have been going up since we reformulated with stronger pigments and more inclusive foundation shades we went from 20 shades to 45. After checking stats I take a break. Even tho ive been working for a hour im just so exhausted. Remembering I need to call my doctor to schedule a appointment. Grabbing my personal phone from my purse I dial my doctors number after 3 rings her secretary answers.

"Dr Mai James' office, Ty speaking"

"Hi ty, its sabrina. I was wondering when the soonest I can get in for a check up."

"The soonest I can get you in would be in 2 days would that work for you" she asks

"That is perfect"

"Okay great so now I need your full name, reason for check up and credit card number."

After giving her all the necessary information.

"Okay so ill be seeing you at 12pm on Thursday the 5th" she confirms

"Sounds great see you then." I say and I hang up the phone.

Not wanting to go alone I call Mom . After 2 rings she answers.

"Prentiss" she says absentmindedly

"You should really check your caller id" I say

"Brina hi, how are you" she asks

"Im great but I was wondering if you would come to a doctors appointment with me on Thursday at 12" I ask.

"Of course I can let me go ask Aaron" she says shuffling around until I hear a knock on a door. I hear a faint "come in"

"Aaron I was wondering if I could leave early Thursday." She asks.

"If we dont have case then absolutely" he says.

"Great, brina did you hear that" she says.

"Yes I did can you Tell Dad I said hello." I say. She then puts the phone on speaker

"Hi brina" he responds.

"Hi, also sorry for stealing your wife on Thursday, I have a doctors appointment and I dont want to go alone" I explain

"Its fine just return her in one piece please, and I hope you're okay. Are you still throwing up in the mornings?" He asks

"Yea but right after im usually fine at first I thought it was food poisoning, but now im not sure" I say.

"Could you be pregnant" mom suggests

"Im really hoping im not but it is a possibility" I say honestly.

"Well we'll find out Thursday, we have to get back to work love you" mom  says.

"Love you too say hi to jack for me"

"Will do, bye honey" dad says and mom hangs up.

Getting back to work I have to meet with the design team for a new lip gloss line and matching pallet. Then I have to meet with the P.R. team to update the pr list. Then I will test the newest pallet (do a makeup look), and do the swatches for the new foundation and concealer shades.

Spencers Pov

I have the week off for "private matters" which is what I told hotch but really I have to cross the border to get my mom medicine. Its not the first time ive done this. The first time was right before I broke up with Sabrina. The medicine I was getting for my mom was/ is illegal in the states and if i get caught and she's associated with me whole reputation goes to shit. For her to lose her company over something she knows nothing about that would be shitty on my part. That's why I insisted on us breaking up.

Taking the grey hound to Atlanta from dc its a 9 hour ride but its fine. I have to spend the night in Atlanta but its all for my mom. Then I have to take a 12 hour bus ride to texas where I can cross the border and meet with the doctor who can help my mom.

Dr. Rosa Medina

The medicine has worked so far my mom has been having more good days than bad. Which tells me its all worth it.

The money, the risk, losing Sabrina all of it is worth it if I can get more time with my mom. God I miss her, I miss our plans for the future. I miss the way she would lay with me until I woke up in the morning. The way she would always apologize by making food and giving kisses.

Stop. Stop thinking about her you ended things you need to get your life together.

Its been 2 days im now in Mexico meeting with Rosa Medina In a hotel room. We exchange 3 thousand (pesos) cash for 2 vials of the medicine.

"1 drop mixed into food or drink and the patient should start to get better" she says.

"These vials should last 3 months"

2 hours later

im currently at the border waiting to get back into the states.

8 hours later

I'm halfway to atlanta. i know it would be easier to fly but i dont want anyone the bau to know what im doing and why

the next day

I'm finally back in virginia. driving to my house i drive past one of sabrina's bill boards. god i miss her, no stop saying that. you broke up with her now you have to forget her. We all know I won't be doing that any time soon. Pulling into the parking lot of my building. The nurses car is still here which is good. My mom didn't run her off like the last 3.

Walking into my apartment I see the nurse Cassie making lunch for my mom.

"Hey, is my mom awake"

"No she fell asleep a hour ago, but im about to wake her up for lunch"

"Did you already get her, her meds?"

"Yes she had some mixed into her orange juice she didn't like the taste but she still drank it"

"Great thank you."

A few hours later

My mom threw a fit and ran off to the bedroom. Knocking on the door to check if she's ok, no response. Opening the door she's not in there. Bathroom. I walk to the bathroom and see her pouring the medicine down the drain.

"Nooo" i yell

"Stop" I say grabbing the vials to salvage whatever is left. Theyre empty all of them, empty.


"Do not talk to me like that I am your mother." She says.

"GOD, NOW I HAVE TO GO BACK" I yell at her.

I walk out the apartment slamming every door on my way out. I sit outside the apartment so I can calm down. These last  few weeks my sadness has turned to anger, pure red hot anger. More mad at the world than anything, and it seems like everywhere I go I see Sabrina. Everything I do seems to remind me of her, I hate it.

A/n this chapter was fun to write



Word count: 1275

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