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Delilah stuffed her face with lobster, while listening to her mom rant about how her and Kyle met. The dinner was going well and Delilah seemed to really be enjoying herself.

Axel sat besides Delilah nodding his head as Kyle talked about his job and how his though about the restaurant.

"Excuse me." Delilah said standing up when she got a phone call.

Delilah walked out the restaurant answer g her phone ti see it was her doctor.

"Hello, is this Delilah Blue?"

"Yes this is her."Delilah said leaning on the restart building.

"As you know your cancer is getting worse, and we want you to come in tomorrow to do more tests." The lady said taking a breath.

"Okay, is there a specific time?" Delilah said taking a breath of her own.

"We want do it early, so around seven."

After Delilah hung up the phone she walked back in the restaurant making sure to smile. She didn't want anyone to know she was going to the doctor so she kept mouth shut.

When the next day came Delilah sat in the doctors office laying down under a machine. Delilah was tired of coming every other day to take test, when she knew what the end result would be.

In the back of Delilah's head she knew there was no hope for her, so why keep pretending that she was going to see this out one day.

After the tests were over she put her original clothes back on and grabbed the papers from the table.

Delilah laid on her bed right when she got home. She thought about calling Axel but didn't want to bother him.

The day went by pretty slow for Delilah after coming from the doctors office. She spent most of her time laying down watching tv and eating here and there.

A couple weeks went by and Delilah constantly felt sick to her stomach. Delilah sat across from Axel eating an ice cream come in a small booth.

Delilah looked up from her ice cream cone to see Axel looking at her.


"It's've been eating a lot lately." Axel said playing with his fingers nervously.

It was true that Delilah was eating a lot, which would explain her sickness.

"So?"Delilah said finishing her cone. Axel stayed silent looking down at the table.

"Are you going to take me out for dinner?"

"Dinner? Baby we just came from having dinner."Axel said looking up at her with wide eyes.

"Yeah but...I'm still hungry, I was thinking maybe we can go somewhere were they serve both breakfast and dinner meals."Delilah said taking a sip of her milkshake.

"Is there something you maybe want to tell me?..."Delilah looked around confused.

"No." Axel grabbed Delilahs sticky fingers looking her deep in her eyes, which made Delilah smile.

"Are you pregnant?" Delilah immediately moved her hand away shocked that he would even say this.

"Why would you say that?" Delilah said leaning in and whispering.

"I mean...your always eating and feeling sick, and you been way more emotional lately...and I notices you gained a couple pounds."

"Why are you being so mean?" Delilah said bursting out in tears. Axel got up from his side taking a seat by her hugging her.

"I didnt mean it like that, it's just we did it without a condom last time, we should go to the doctor to make sure."

"Okay...when?" Delilah said wiping her face.

"We can go tomorrow in the morning. Just to make sure, okay beautiful?"

"Okay, if I am pregnant...are you going to break up with me?" Delilah said feeling her heart beat fast when she said this.

"Look at me angel." Delilah looked up at him nervously.

"I'm not going to leave you just because your pregnant. I love you, and if there is a baby, I'll love it too." Delilah smiled and hugged Axel tightly.

"I love you too, can we go out and eat now?"

Axel grabbed Delilahs face and kissed her passionately before smiling.

"Yes angel let's go."Axel said taking Delilahs hand and walking her out of the building.

Delilah woke up early for Axel to drive both of them to the doctor. They waited in the waiting room holding hands until they were called in.

After Delilah got her blood taken for the test Axel held her hand giving her kisses on the face.

They waited a couple of minutes till the doctor walked back in the room.

"So...your pregnant."  The doctor said with a wide smile.

Delilah smiled clapping her hands feeling tears come to her eyes.

"Did you hear her love? We're going to have a baby." Delilah said looking over at Axel who was crying.

Delilah bent down hugging him tightly running her hands through his hair.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a dad." Axel said hugging Delilah back tightly.

"I love you." Axel said sniffing.

"I love you too."

*I can't wait to they have their baby. Do you guys think Delilah and Axel will have a happily ever after?

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