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Delilah woke up to Axel hugging her tightly around her waist. Delilah ran her hands through his hair loving how soft it was.

She enjoyed him confessing his feelings to her last night. She also enjoyed sucking his dick, and making him come.

Delilah unwrapped his hands from around her waist, getting out of the bed headed towards the bathroom. She took her medication out of her bag and looked at it, she the  placed them back in the bag not wanting to take them.

She then looked back in the room to see Axel still sleeping. She then looked back at her medication and started to feel sad.

She wanted to tell Axel now that they were together but didn't know how. She then climbed back in bed wrapping her arms around Axel's neck.

Later that afternoon Delilah went back to her apartment with Axel by her side.

"You know you can stay at my house again if you want." Axel said sounding confident, something he never really was.

"I can't I'm supposed to meet my mom today." Delilah said looking through her closet.

"I can come to, I haven't seen your mom in awhile." Axel laid on Delilah's bed with his feet dangling.

"Maybe." Delilah said pulling out a pink winter coat and a pink skirt, she then grabbed a white sleeve shirt and some white high knee winter boots.

"I'mma take a shower real quick, there's snacks in the pantry." Axel nodded while biting his lip.

After Delilah took a shower she did her hair and makeup. She then put on her outfit grabbing her heart purse out of the closet.

"You look beautiful angel." Axel said walking up to her and placing a kiss on her forehead.

Delilah felt her face getting hot as he did this. She wasn't used to him being so talkative, especially without stuttering.

"Thank you I just bought this outfit." Delilah said putting her shoes on. Axel followed Delilah into the living room taking a seat besides her on the couch.

Delilah turned on the tv seeing what she wanted to watch. As she did this she felt Axel's eyes on her body.

"What?" Delilah said looking up at him.

"Can I kiss you?" Axel said licking his lips.

"Ye-yeah." Delilah said feeling her heart race. Axel leaned in looking at Delilah then at her lips. He then slid his tongue across her lips before kissing her deeply.

Delilah closed her eyes, this being her first kiss she wasn't sure if she was doing it right, but Axel seemed to enjoy it as he deepened the kiss.

Delilah then felt his hand go to her thigh as he pulled her closer. Delilah was shocked that Axel didn't seem so shy life early from doing this.

As Axel placed Delilah on his lap there was a
Knock at the door. Delilah quickly got off of him feeling a little embarrassed.

When she opened the door her mom gave her a hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom what are you doing here? I was supposed to come visit you." Delilah said closing the door, following her mom into the living room.

"I just felt like I haven't seen you in a while so I came. Hi Axel how have you been?" Delilah's mom said giving Axel a hug.

"Hi Mrs.Blue, I'm good." Axel said standing awkwardly.

"Well that's good." Delilah's mom sent her attention back to Delilah who was looking at her with wide eyes.

"I brought all the papers you asked for." Delilah's mom said handing Delilah her birth papers.

"Thank you mom, this was fun but I think it's time for you to go." Delilah said trying to get her mom out the door.

"Delilah I just got here, besides we don't know how long you have left I wanna spend some time with you." Her mom said giving her another hug.

"What do you mean you don't know how long she has left?" Axel said looking between Delilah and her mom.

"Delilah I told you to tell somebody about-"

Delilah cut her mom off before she could say more.

"Mom look we can talk at your house let me just get my stuff." Delilah said with pleading eyes.

"Angel, what's going on?" Axel said still standing there confused.

"Nothing love." Delilah said avoiding eye contact with him.

"Delilah don't fucking lie to me." Axel said making Delilah look up at him. She felt herself feel like she was about to cry but held them back.

"Mrs.Blue, can you please tell me what's going on?" Axel said after Delilah didn't say nothing.

"Delilah has cancer..." Her mom said looking as she was about to cry herself.

Axel shifted his attention back to Delilah with teary eyes. Delilah backed away with him feeling upset with her mom.

"But the doctors said it's getting better, so all we have to do Delilah is keep taking your medication and do the daily visits-"

"No! I'm tired of going to the doctor just so they can say I'm getting worse every breath I take." Delilah said her voice cracking.

"Worse? You mean better." Delilah's mom said tears rolling down her face.

"I lied mom, I'm not getting better it's getting worse. I didn't want anyone to worry, that's why I lied and that's why I'd don't tell anyone." Delilah stood there, digging her nails into her skin hard.

" have to take your medicine there's maybe a chance-"

"No I don't want to anymore, whatever happens happens, life will still go on when I'm dead-" Delilah held her cheek looking at her mom in shock. Her mom had tears falling down her face as she looked shocked herself.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to slap you, but don't say things like that Delilah, you have to try to get better, your therapist called and said you haven't been going to your sessions."

"I'm tired I'm going to bed." Delilah said walking from the conversation heading towards her room door. After she locked it she ran to her bed and started to cry.

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