6:30 AM

17 0 0


I WOKE UP feeling the sunlight framing my face. It kissed every single part of me. I could faintly smell the cigarettes left by the ash tray, and the thick scent of cologne in the room. Once again, Elias Grey had left me alone.

It's been a few months since we've formed this bond. We'd meet up every few weeks, hook up, and then ignore each other at school. It was a never ending loop. Yet, I didn't once dislike it. Maybe it's just my infatuation talking but the bites all over my skin had gently painted me and I didn't feel disgusted. I felt loved.

Cynthia hates our relationship, she says he's taking advantage of me. But I can't help it, Elias Grey had taken me hostage and made me his chess pawn, but I still can't let him go

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I HAD gotten up, putting on his shirt as I made my way to the kitchen. It was decorated with marble countertops and moon blue cupboards. Elias was filthy rich, if he didn't make it into University with his hockey scholarship he would've payed his way in.

I had taken a quick glance before noticing a piece of paper on the counter. 'Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, I've got hockey practice this morning. I'll stay till you wake up tomorrow. I promise.' It had read. I wasn't surprised by then, mainly upset. That would've marked the fifth time he left me after sex. But who was counting?

Aside it was a cup of water and a plate of pancakes. I was practically swooning. Everything had seemed all too dreamy, like it was fake. Even so, I had no complaints.

I got ready before leaving his apartment, the lobby had gotten too familiar. So much so that the receptionist had already remembered my name and lets me in every time. I'd wonder if she thought I'm another one of his hook ups.

It sounds stupid but I hoped I was the only one he meets with.

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Hello!! I wrote these a few months ago with no actual storyline, but I wanted to give it ago, so updates may take extremely long depending on my imagination, mental health and motivation so please bare with me on that. On another note I hope you guys like it!

love, mattieWhere stories live. Discover now