Chapter 9: Shenron

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Avoca's POV:

I was sitting down on a chair while while the woman called Bulma spoke to some guys, it looks like she was ordering them to do something. I'I was getting bored so I stood up and walked to an open space and looked back at the boy who fought with the green monster from before, I believe his name was gohan, the boy looked at me and I stuck my arm out and signaled him to approach me, and then I got into a fighting stance to show him that I wanted him to fight me, he seemed nervous,  the namekian grabbed his shoulder and  told him something, and shortly after the boy charged at me but before doing so he transformed, the boy was not holding back he threw a punches which I just took with no effort, it didn't even move me back and I barely even felt it, gohan backed away and looked at me in disbelief and then proceeded to power down, his hair turned black again and like 5 seconds after that the guys that Bulma gave orders to, walked outside and it looked like they were caring what looked like food from this planet, it smelled great. They placed the food on a table infront of me and I couldn't resist. I started eating the food while the 2 (18 ,21) women from before watched me, I could tell they were looking at me, I haven't eaten something as good as this in a while. I kept eating and eating and it was as if the food was endless, they didn't stop bringing more and more. After a while I got full and stopped eating, I was getting drowsy because I just finished eating and I was getting extremely bored. I stayed up as long as possible but after a couple of minutes I couldn't handle it and I fell asleep on a table. They most likely left me alone because I woke up around an hour later. I felt Vegeta's Ki getting closer and closer. After a couple seconds he landed.
Author's POV

After Vegeta landed he had 2 orange orbs that had stars on them. Vegeta walked over to a table that had 5 more of those orange orbs. Vegeta placed the 2 orbs he had on the floor then he placed the other 5 right near the 2 he had placed first. After this he backed away and looked at Bulma. Bulma walked over

Bulma: come out dragon and grant my wishes, please

After that there was a light that emitted from the 7 orange orbs that are called dragon balls. After a while the dragon had appeared and was Infront of everyone

Shenron: state you wishes

Bulma: now what should the wishes be?

Vegeta walked over

Vegeta: revive everyone that died because of cell

Shenron: I can't do that

Vegeta: what!! Why?!

Shenron: because not all of them want to be revived

Vegeta: who doesn't want to be revived

Shenron: a mortal named Goku

Everyone was shocked except Avoca, who didn't know him

After this Goku gave his reason why he didn't want to be revived and they continued with the wished

Vegeta: I wish for everyone that got killed by cell revive except the one's that don't want to be revived

Shenron: (eyes glowed red) done, now state your second wish

Vegeta: ...

Piccolo: that's it, we do not need the last wish

Vegeta turned around and looked at piccolo and when he turned back around to face shenron, shenron was nowhere to be seen. The dragon balls were already scattering around the planet, Avoca then walked over to Vegeta

Avoca: your a Saiyan too, right?

Vegeta: yeah, why?

Avoca: because you transformed

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