Relationships (will be updated)

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Alex has a partner, named Clover. Clover's pronouns are she/it, and she is a deer hybrid with antlers, soft brown hair that reaches nearly down to its waist, a fluffy brown-and-white deer tail, deer feet/hooves, soft brown deer ears, hazel eyes, PTSD, freckles all over her body, lots of small scars scattered across its body, and a flower tattoo on her right shoulder. It wears green clothing usually, as green and white are her favourite colours. Clover loves wearing short shorts, long green knee-length dresses with flowers embroided into them, flower crowns, flower bracelets, and occasionally silver or gold rings on her fingers. It wears old-fashioned brown boots than go up to her shins and have a silver zipper on one side. Clover has been partners with Alex for over a year canonically, and Clover is 16 in age. Clover absolutely hates any form of fighting, as it reminds her of its past. She dislikes parties because of the amount of people, and loves time alone or with its friends and partner. Clover is incredibly skilled at cooking and medicine, and would be great to have on your side but away from direct fighting.

Kai is Alex's go-to friend, BFF, best friends with them since they were little kids. Kai goes by they/them pronouns, and has an enby-coloured pin over their heart. They wear an asexual flag over their shoulders, and have short, fluffy black hair, tall wolf ears on the top of their head that would replace human ears, and a black wolf tail at the back of their waist. They are also aromantic, and have several rings to match their sexualities and pronouns. Kai usually wears a black T-shirt with silver words saying various quotes they like, such as 'gaslight gatekeep girlboss,' 'not all who wander are lost,' and others. Kai wears a tight silver chain around their neck with obsidian incased inside it, silver or netherite rings, and countless tattoos or other jewelery. They don't have many scars, but the ones they do have are mostly from swords, arrows, or fire. They wear black or gray ripped pants, a gray belt with a loop for a sword and potions, and sometimes an obsidian headpiece with yellow and purple gemstones wound into it. Kai's eyes are usually one purple, one yellow, but they can change with Kai's emotions or on command. Kai's go-to weapon would be a sword in one hand and a crossbow in the other, but if they didn't have those they would just use potions. They are 6'2 and love laughing at anyone shorter than them. They love head pats but hate it when anyone touches their tail or ears without permission. Kai is canonically 17 and is like a sibling to Alex, and a bodyguard to Clover. They love causing chaos with their siblings, Amber and Ryan, and are a huge fan of parties, unlike Clover. Kai is partially a god, but have no idea since their parents didn't confirm it. Kai loves swimming, climbing, partying, socializing, and reading. They hate Leaf, cold temperatures, homophobic people, boredom, and losing. Kai is one of the most chill people you will ever meet, but you would certainly not like to get on their bad side.

Leaf is Alex's older brother, only a few years older than her. He is 7'8, trans, gay, and goes by he/him pronouns. Leaf is extremely protective of both Alex and Clover, but has something against Kai for reasons I will not include in a book about Alex. Leaf is trans masc, and looks similar to Alex. He has shoulder length obsidian-coloured hair and purple eyes. His wings are almost as large as Alex's, and they are almost completely black with white spots that look like stars. He has tall, purple-black horns and a dragon tail above his abdomen. Leaf has runes that constantly speak to him, and he is not very fluent in English or any other language, except Minecraft Enchanting Table. He wears a coal-black T-shirt with a purple flower embroided over the heart, comfy gray pants, and netherite armour. Often he wears silver or obsidian jewelery, and while he is fighting he wears a belt with a sword and potions in it, a bow and quiver on his back, and special armour on his wings, tail, and horns. Overall, Leaf is basically a quiet and overprotective older brother who no one knows much about and no one particularly wants to mess with. And he might become a villain.

Amber is Kai's sister and one of Alex's partners in crime. Amber's pronouns are she/her/they, and she is a 5'8 winged human with special abilities, such as always being able to warm things up or make things glow. Their wings are feathered and very large, attached to the middle of her back and a beautiful golden colour. Her eyes seem to glow and their skin is warm to the touch. She has tiny, almost unnoticeable freckles on the tops of her cheeks. Amber has tanned skin, bright orange hair, light golden feathered wings, and eyes that change colour depending on her energy level. For example, if they just woke up her eyes would probably be a dull brown-green colour. But if she was bursting with energy or adrenaline, her eyes would more likely be a bright, glowing gold or orange. If they were angry, her eyes would most likely be a blood red. Amber wears whatever clothing trends, sneakers, and gold jewelery. She has burn scars and arrow scars scattered across their body, although only one sword scar on her wrist. Their go-to weapon is a crossbow or a greatsword, but if they don't have those they will just burn people. Amber is an extreme party animal who loves chaos and can always cheer people up if they need it. She is 16 years old and pansexual, but single somehow. Amber has almost no wolf-like features, unlike her siblings, apart from being colourblind. Instead, she got most of her features from the family's other parent, orange colours and bird features/abilities. Her and Leaf have a sibling-like relationship, and she constantly teases him about basically anything. Amber would be a good person to have on your side, or just to be your friend in general.

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