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a soul tethered to the
ground like roots.

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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎HER HAIR THE color of the bark it rested on, eyes an endless pool of honey in the sun.

the smell of pollen and summer heat filled han yeongja's nostrils as a particularly hot gust of wind blew in her direction. under the oak tree she resided, allowing herself a breath of not so fresh air as she preferred the outdoors over her suffocating home.

after all, no screams would reach the large field she was in. the young girl was perfectly content in her desolate little escape, with the shade of her twisted and old tree as company.

the occasional bug crawled through the dirt, eventually crushed under yeongja's watchful eye. despite the fact that the weather was the worst mix of stuffy hot air and cloudy skies, the teen would rather sweat through it than sit in her room with her fan on to the max.

one hand was situated on a thick hardcover book as she flipped through page after page, glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose from the heat.

‎ ‎her hobby of utmost happiness. reading the words others had written, endless ink upon thin pieces of paper for her nimble fingers to flip through.

a story so unlike her own.

with a small and content sigh, yeongja placed her bookmark on the page she left off on, closing the book gently and slipping it back into her bag.

the girl did not feel like getting up, despite the sun ruthlessly beating down upon her tanning skin.

she whistled — a melody floating through the tall and drying grass, reaching the ears of her faithful great dane.

the dog's floppy ears perked up as he heard his owner's call, droopy eyes and snout lifting from the coolness of the earth below the porch. the large animal bounded over to the girl, pressing a wet nose to her cheek.

yeongja laughed softly, running her hands over the dog's fur and scratching underneath his ears. his sandy fur tickled the girl's arms as he plopped himself beside her.

"aw, vulcan," yeongja cooed, stroking the dog's back gently as he buried his nose in her neck. "you sure are clingy today, aren't you, pup?"

he gave a bark in response.

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