Takechi: But I've been boxing for so long and I want to be a hero just like you!

Osamu: I'm a boxer because that's all I had. I'm not a hero, I'm a guy who just looks out for a couple of people that's all. Takechi, the life I live isn't the one I want you to copy. Besides, those heroes don't care about guys like us. To them we're just another dot in the crowd to boost their rank. Don't ever forget that.

*Flashback end*

He stares at the photo and grits his teeth.

Ryukin: I'll do it just like you did. One man justice.

Ryukin left and made his way to a dump and looked for anything he could. He was able to find clothing, cash, and some other scraps. Before leaving he rummaged through the garbage and stumbled across what looked like a radio. That was till he turned the knob.

Woman over the radio: 2802. 2802, burglary in progress, suspects are armed. 

Ryukin left the dump with all his findings and made his way back to the shack.

*The Next Day*

Ryukin: Yo Izu-chan, Iida-san, Uraraka-san.

Iida: Hey Ryukin-san, you looked pretty bruised up.

Midoriya: Yeah is everything alright Ryu-chan?

Ryukin: I could say the same for the three of you guys. UA getting extreme huh?

He chuckled until he realized the three looked saddened.

Ryukin: Woah what happened?

Midoriya: The school got attacked by villains.

Ryukin looked wide eyed as he continued to listen.

Iida: I had to run to warn some of the pro heroes.

Uraraka: All Might arrived and with the help of some of the others we were able to keep them away.

Midoriya: Our teacher the underground hero Eraserhead, got really hurt.

Ryukin: Sorry to hear. You guys alright? Let's go out for food.

The 4 headed out to a ramen spot

Ryukin: So I never asked but where you guys from?

Iida: Well my family is from Tokyo and we come from a family of heroes. You may know my elder brother.

Ryukin choked his food and started to cough.

Ryukin: W-wait. You mean to tell me your brother is the pro hero?!

Iida nodded with a smile looking proud.

Iida: He is the Turbo Hero, Ingenium.

Ryukin: That's awesome. Lucky you.

Iida: I aimed to be a hero because I want to be like my brother.

Ryukin glanced over at Uraraka.

Ryukin: What about you Uraraka-san?

Uraraka, with a warm smile, chimed in: And I'm here because I want to make life easier for my family. Being a hero means I can support them without them worrying about money. It's about making a difference in the lives of those I care about.

The 4 continued to dine. After a bit Iida perked up.

Iida: Y'know I never got to ask you Ryukin. What do you do?

Ryukin: Me? Well, I uh-uh.

Iida: Ryukin, you haven't mentioned what you do during the day. Do you attend school?

Ryukin: Actually, I'm not in UA. I want to be a hero, but my path is a bit different. I'm working towards it on my own terms, you could say.

Uraraka chimed in, curious

Uraraka: On your own terms? What do you mean, Ryukin?

Ryukin: I never got into UA, but that doesn't mean I've given up on being a hero. I'm finding my own way, fighting for justice where I can. My old man was a true hero, not in the flashy way heroes usually are. He was a pro boxer, undefeated in the ring, but his real heroism was out there in the streets. He stood up for the little guy, the quirkless folks who often got overlooked. Everyone in Osaka knew him.

Uraraka, sensing a change in Ryukin's tone, asked gently
Uraraka: Is your father still around, Ryukin?

Ryukin's expression shifted, revealing a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow.

Ryukin: No, he's not. He's gone. Passed away a while back. I live alone now, scraping by. But I'm determined to carry on his legacy, to be the kind of hero he was, for the little guy.

The 4 continued to dine. Afterwards each parted their own ways. Ryukin returned to his hideout and was about to sleep ntil there was a knock at the door. It was odd though, no one ever comes into this place. He investigates and notices no one around. He finds a small envelope on the floor. After walking back to the cot, he opens it.

Ryukin: *Who the hell is Hassaikai and why do they want me?*

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