"Really?" She asked shocked. A smile graced Violet's face as she moved closer to Conrad to place a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thanks Connie!"

"No problem." The Fisher boy smiled. "I figured the sooner we get it done the sooner we can get out on the water."

"Oh god." Violet groaned. "You just want to see me fall trying to stand up on my board."

"That's definitely not the reason I want to take you surfing."

"Don't lie!" She laughed. "I know you too well."

Conrad was about to reply when he heard his mother's excited voice from downstairs. "They're here!"

"You ready to meet everyone?"

"Yeah. I just hope they like me." Violet nodded nervously.

"They'll love you." Conrad assured her. "Just like my family does. And just like I do."

"That was so cheesy." Violet giggled shaking her head.

"Shut up." Conrad laughed as he grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. "Come on, let's go see everyone."


Belly watched happily as her mother and brother reunited with two of the Fishers. Of course the Fisher that she was the most anxious and excited to see wasn't there yet.

"Look who came back all grownup." Jeremiah laughed as he picked Belly up for a tight hug.

"Oh, put me down." Belly giggled swatting Jeremiah's back.

"Jere, Jere, Jere..." Steven called out. "Come over here. Come on."

And once again Belly was left alone. But it wasn't long before she finally saw the boy she had been waiting for exit the house.

He looked better than she could have ever imagined. Belly could have sworn she stopped breathing for a couple minutes as she watched him walk towards her with a smile.

"I liked you better with glasses." Conrad joked.

"Too bad. I like me better without them." Belly countered with a smile. Although that smile was quickly replaced by a frown when she caught sight of someone walking up behind Conrad.

Belly couldn't deny it. The girl was beautiful with her auburn hair and freckled skin. There was a radiant smile on her face as she finally reached where Belly and Conrad were standing.

"Hey!" She smiled. "You must be Isabel. The Fisher's have told me so much about you."

"Oh um hi?" Belly replied awkwardly.

"I'm Violet, Conrad's girlfriend. I'm going to be staying with you guys for the summer."

"Girlfriend?" The brunette questioned looking directly at Conrad.

"I hope you and I can become friends." Violet spoke. "It's going to be nice having another girl similar in age to talk to."

"Yeah. Me too." Belly nodded with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hey, hey, guys, guys." Jeremiah suddenly called out. "I mean, I-I don't know about you, but I... Well, I-I think it's time for a..."

"Belly flop!" Steven shouted rushing towards his sister.

"No! No!" Belly immediately shook her head trying to run away from them.

"She's quick!" Jeremiah laughed trying to grab the girl.

"No!" She screamed as she was picked up by her brother and both of the Fisher boys. Belly couldn't do anything as they carried her into the backyard and to the side of the pool.

Violet smile fondly as she followed after everyone else. It was nice seeing Conrad happy for once.

"Belly flop! Belly flop!" They all chanted together. "One... Two... Three!"

Belly screamed loudly as she was flung into the freezing cold water. It took a minute for her to resurface with a sour expression on her face.

"How's the water?" Steven asked sarcastically.

It was in that moment Belly decided to play with them. She began limping towards the edge while holding onto her ankle.

"Guys, I hurt my ankle." She cried putting her hand out for someone to pull her out of the water. "Come on."

When neither Steven or Jeremiah stepped forward to help pull Belly up, Conrad sighed and outstretched his hand.

Instead of letting him help her get out of the pool Belly yanked Conrad's arm causing him to fall in with her.

"Oh shit!" Violet gasped as she watched her boyfriend disappear under the water. She couldn't help but laugh at the grumpy look on his face as he resurfaced looking directly at Belly with a glare.

"Yes!" She cheered smirking at a soaking wet Conrad. "Got you!"

"Belly!" He growled swimming towards her. The two teens began continuously splashing each other until Conrad grabbed Belly dragging her under water.

No one above water seemed to notice the small moment that Belly and Conrad were having as they held onto each other. Eventually, Conrad realized how awkward it was and pushed himself away.

Belly was confused as she resurfaced. Her mind was running with a million thoughts. She had never been that close to Conrad before. It almost seemed like they were about to kiss. She couldn't help but watch him as he exited the pool.

Of course her heart shattered a bit when he immediately went over to Violet and pulled the girl in for a hug.

"Conrad!" The red head shrieked trying to push him away. "You're getting me all wet!"

"Come here." The boy smiled gripping her hips and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Okay guys some of us are trying not to puke over here!" Jeremiah yelled as he and Steven laughed.

Belly sighed pulling herself out of the pool. She had no idea how she was going to survive the whole summer. It hurt her to see the boy she loved be with someone else.

She didn't want to hate Violet because she seemed like a nice girl. But she couldn't help that she was jealous. That should be her with Conrad.

All the Conklin girl knew was that it was going to be a long summer.

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