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The walk towards the prison was long and it didn't help that the cold kept attacking me especially since i was in a lack of cloths you should have in a weather like this.

What was probably worse was that they had kept me and Hopper apart since we arrived, and ever since our walk i haven't see him. I know he'll be fine ,but its still playing on my mind of what's happening to him - at least its enough to take my mind of the wintry weather that was still biting into me.

We finally made it to a stone building void of any windows or colour.

I didn't have much time to look around as i was shoved by the front of a gun to keep moving into the building. Inside there was little items apart from two other guards that where stood on each side of a rickety chair which faced a big tank full of water.

"Is this a bad time to tell you i can't swim" i muttered, eyes fixed onto the pool of water which already looked colder than outside.

"Undress" the guard who brought me said looking straight at my wide eyes with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, no thats no happening" i stated crossing my arms together trying to keep as much dignity and confidence i had left, there was no way i would strip in front of perverts like these.

The guard stared at me for a while before stalking towards me, i would have moved backwards if i wasn't frozen in fear, but my legs wouldn't move.

A sickening crack filled the room as the guard landed his hand against me cheek making my head fly to the side as my hand instinctively came to rest on it to try and stop the burning.

The guard leaned closer this time and spat,

"Undress" his Russian accent more prompt.

I did as i was told, i wanted to get out of here alive and untouched if i was going to do that then at least stripping down into the limited cloths i had on underneath couldn't be the worst thing.

Obviously i was wrong, the guards all peered on me with disgusting eyes, like they hadn't seen a girl in forever - they probably haven't either.

After i was undressed the guards who had been stood beside the chair both grabbed one arm and slammed me down onto the oak chair whilst my mind filled with anxiety from what was about to happen.

My chair was brought back up for the fourth time now as i tried to gulp as much air i could back into my lungs,  the water was even chillier than outside, but i think that was mainly due to the sports bra and cycling shorts i had to stay in.

A small puddle started to form around the tank of murky water from the force of how much these vicious Russian guards kept dumping me in and out of - there way of trying to get answer's i didn't have out of me. 

"I told you five times now i don't work for anyone" i rasped trying to even my breathing out.

It was unless for me to even keep responding to them, i was just wasting even more oxygen.

"opyat' taki (Again)" The main guard said to the other two who had a hold of my chair - i tried to breath in as much as i could before i felt the icy cold liquid submerge me once more.

" Listen i don't work for any government we where at that gate thing because we wanted to know why Joyce's goddam magnets fell of her fridge and we ran into you" i whined desperate from them to believe me, it was the truth anyway they where just being psychos who took joy in tormenting me .

The guard motioned to the other two stood at each side of me to let go of my chair and started to stride over with a malicious smirk - that despite how hard i tired not to - made my eyes fill with fear, and he knew it.

"I know you don't want anything bad to happen to your American friend so i am giving you one last chance to tell me who you work for" He said in english this time, but with a firm Russian accent.

Now i was really worried. I mean what more could i do ? I told him i don't work for anyone which was the truth and now I'm not only risking my chance to live but Hopper's too.

"I told you already i don't work for anyone" i whispered with panic overtaking my voice - completely drained of energy from the burning pain running through me, and at a loss with what els i could do or say.  

The guard nodded at the other two stood beside me and this time they dropped the chair into the tank for good.

I couldn't help but fill my moves with alarm. I couldn't actually die right now could i ?

What about Max and mom ?What if Hopper was left on his own in the prison, that was if he was still alive.

Questions kept swirling around my head for however long i was under the water for, but i knew it was long, i was staring to loose more of a hold on trying to hold my breath.  My panicked movement got quicker and quicker, the reality that i was going to die was really setting in.

Just before i was about to give up and might as well except my faith, i was brought back into the light and air filled room.

I swallowed as much air as i was capable off once i was brought back up, well rather dropped to the floor on top of the cheek that had already been abused - still trapped on the chair, and now met with the coolness of the concrete floor - my only view being the Russians boots.

I was too tired to move myself and my cheek still reminded crushed against the floor as my soaked hair attacked itself to my face like a curtain of ice.

My breathing was slow and i tired to take as much oxygen into my lungs as i could but every breath was as painful as the water experience from before. My hearing was buzzing but i could still catch an few words- or what a few guards people where saying in Russian.

"vyzhil yeshche odin amerikanets (did the other American survive)"

"Da, yego vezut na Kamchatku. Grigoriy tozhe khochet devushku tuda. (Yes they are taking him to Kamchatka Grigori wants the girl there too)"

And before i knew it i was zoning in and out of consciences, the only thing i really took notice off was the harsh dragging of my body agains the frozen floor and then a brutal shove into the back of a rusted van, where once again i was visited by the darkness.

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