2. All men do, is lie.

Start from the beginning

"This thing is broken" he extends his arm once again to hand me his phone. My eyes land on his veiny hands, his knuckles are slightly red from the cold air.His long fingers wrap around his phone. Everything about him is insanely attractive. I softly grab his phone and take a quick look and notice that the screen is cracked. Instinctively,I hold the lock button to see if it turns on and it does. For a second I feel guilty but I don't have enough money to get his phone repaired plus it wasn't my fault, entirely? Was it? I mean I could pay in other ways if he wants me to. I grin mentally and surprise myself at my own thoughts. I'm not this wild normally, most of the times.

"It's not broken. Here i fixed it." I hand it back to him.

"Just like that? But the glass is broken on this thing?" Suddenly, he sounds agitated and his expressions change. I would have given him everything I have but I don't have a lot to begin with and it's an iphone. I would have to starve for a month if I gave him the money, it's my entire monthly allowance.

"I am sure you can get it fixed easily." I speak softly, trying to smile innocently at him, hoping he would fall for it and let me go.

"But you broke it?" The question sounds very innocent from him but I can't fall for it.

"I didn't break it.We both collided into each other. So you can get it repaired." I nodd my head trying to convince him that he is equally as guilty for this as I am but I can't hold eye contact with his intense gaze any longer. So, I look away trying to find my bag which is lying on the ground. My poor bag, I just bought it last week. I quickly bend down to pick it up from the floor.

"I don't even know how this thing works. You need to fix it. You broke it." His voice is higher pitched this time. I really don't want to argue with him because my thoughts go hazy whenever I look at his face but man is he making it hard for me.

"For the second time, I didn't break it. We both collided and it fell from YOUR hand." I try to make my point by exaggerating the word YOUR to make sure that my argument is valid.

"YOU were the one who slammed into me. So you should be held accountable. Furthermore, why were you running on the sidewalk?" There's a sudden shift in the conversation and he is clearly getting annoyed. As much as I don't want to ruin this, I neither have the time nor the money and choice to fix this situation.

"Sidewalk is a public service and it's for everyone. You are free to have a jog here or a morning run. So, it wasn't MY FAULT." This sadly is no longer a conversation; it is developing into an argument. I take out my phone to look at the time. It is already 8:10 p.m. The bus should arrive in five minutes. I'm going to be late, I feel the panic set in. I quickly put back my phone into my bag, pulling the zipper closed.

"Look,I really don't have time for this because I have an exam. Please fix it on your own and have a wonderful day." I smile looking at him trying to capture his features in my mind as I take a last look at him and finally take a step forward to walk past him. This conversation could have gone in a variety of different ways. I could have simply apologised and moved on with my life, remembering his beautiful face, but God has other plans for me today. Life isn't a k- drama and sadly my life is only filled with bad parts of it. I rarely see a hot guy, let alone one this attractive and I had to meet him this way.

"Where are you going?" I feel a hand grab my arm from behind and I am pulled by a strong force making my body turn around as I lose my balance once again, and my face lands in his chest. This feeling is oddly familiar but it is unquestionably superior and better to the previous fall.
The heat from his chest penetrates my skin, and I pull my body back slightly to meet his gaze. His scent is sensual and spicy, just like his personality.
His deeply set eyes land on me, and for a split second, my gaze was drawn to his lips, his plumped pink lips which look very kissable.
I snap back to my senses and take a step back rotating my wrist to break his grip, and we both break apart.

Hearts Awakened || Wooyoung /Ateez Where stories live. Discover now