"What is that?! That wriggling piece of flesh--it looks like a spider.." Jotaro looked almost as queasy.

"It is a "Flesh bud" made up of DIO's cells. It connects all the way to the poor boy's brain. This small bud of flesh poking through to the very core of his mind, affecting his personality!" Avdol explained his voice monotone and smooth. 

"In other words, this flesh bud awakens a certain feeling far beyond his own control. Charisma! The sheer emotive power that drives a man to follow Hitler, put his faith in a corrupt cult, or swear his loyalty to DIO!" Joseph said, an audible hatred in his voice, "Once his control was in place, it was simple for DIO to use his charisma to order this boy to kill us."

"Surgically remove it, then," Jotaro said matter-of-factly.

"The bud won't die. The brain is a very delicate thing, so if he moves while we're trying to move it it'll hurt him."

"We can't just leave him to die! Especially when there's something we can do about it," (Y/N) protested, raising his voice to a level that made him uncomfortable.

"(Y/N)'s right," Avdol said, "Jojo let me tell you what happened to me. It was four months ago, I was in Egypt, in Cairo when I met DIO!

"I am a fortune teller by trade. It was a full moon, and I had come back to my shop in Khan Khalili when there at the top of my stairs was a man like none I'd ever seen. Eyes so cold it felt like he was invading my heart. Golden hair and skin so white it almost seemed transparent. But most of all, a bewitching sensuality--the kind you wouldn't expect from a man. I had already met Mr. Joestar, so I knew at once--this was DIO, who had risen from the Atlantic! Somehow his words calmed my heart. That was what scared me--the dangerous sweetness of his voice. 

"I ran for my life. I didn't even think of fighting him. I was lucky. Had Mr. Joestar not warned me, had I not been by that window, falling out onto a maze of familiar streets. I too, like this boy, would have ended up his pawn, under the influence of a flesh bud. And my stand would be at his beck and call." 

"And like the boy, you'd have died in a few years, your brain eaten," Joseph added, making the boys cringe in disgust slightly.

"Died? Let's not Jump the gun. Kakyoin's not," his stand materialised behind him, "Dead yet! I'll pull it out with my stand!"

He cupped Kakyoin's face, his stand reaching out to pull the bud out. The other boy ran forward to try and stop him.

"Did you not hear what they just said! You could kill him!"


"Back off old man! And I'm not going to kill him (Y/N), I'm going to save him so I advise you back off too. I'll pull it out fast, with no damage to the brain! My stand moves accurately enough to catch a bullet in mid-flight."

"Don't! The flesh bud is alive--don't you see. There's a reason part of it is outside the skin! The same reason why even a skilled surgeon can't remove it!"

A long bit of flesh shot out of the boys head and suddenly dug itself into Jotaro's arm. But he didn't flinch not even for a second.

"The flesh shot a tentacle out! This is bad, let go of it Jojo," Avdol's normally calm demeaner faded as the thing snaked up his arm.

"It attempts to infiltrate the brain of anyone who dare tries to remove it!"

Kakyoin's eyes shot open, a confused look on his face as he stared up at the stand slowly pulling something out of his head. 

"Don't move Kakyoin, one mistake and your brain in fried."

Very reassuring, (Y/N) thought to himself as he watched it happen from a safe distance. He wanted to do something, the tentacle was almost at his brain but he didn't want to break the concentration and end up with both of them dead, so he just watched, nerves on fire.

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