Chapter 4 (Peeta's POV)

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Oh no. Primrose? Katniss' sister? Why is this happening. First Katniss loses her father and now she's going to lose her-


Katniss is not going to let Prim go.

I look around frantically, trying to find Katniss in the large crowd. I finally spot her, she's already made her way toward the stage when her hand shoots up.

"I volunteer," she gasps. "I volunteer as tribute!"

I knew she would do this, but her words still feel like a stab in the gut. Sharp pains shoot through my stomach and dizziness overwhelms me. I block out everything happening around me as a dark pit of sadness swallows me whole.

The only thing able to pull me out of this dark state was someone yelling Katniss name. My fist thought was Prim, but as I snap back into focus, I see (Y/N) Hawthorne shoving her way through a crowd of people.

"Volunteer as Tribute!" She shouts as she raises her hand.

My jaw drops, and by the sounds of gasps throughout the audience, everyone is shocked. 

Not (Y/N). Not Katniss. They've both been through too much. I wish I could take their place.

I'm not sure if you're even allowed to volunteer after someone else, but I wouldn't know because stuff like this never happens in district 12.

We all look too Effie for direction. She looks just as confused as we are. After a short exchange with the mayor, she finally responds.

"Ah, yes. The privilege automatically goes to the first volunteer. Unless they were to retract the offer, that is." She gestured to Katniss, "That would be you, young lady."

Immediately, Prim begins screaming hysterically "No! Katniss! You can't go!" 

I feel the same way, Prim.

As Katniss starts walking up the stage again, (Y/N) grabbed her arm. "Katniss, you can't. I need to do this." It's hard to tell from far away, but I think she's crying. She must know that Katniss won't change her decision.

Katniss sighs, but her face remains emotionless. "(Y/N), Prim is my sister. I need to do this. I'm older and have more experience then you. My chances are-"

"Your chances are low just like all of us!" (Y/N) yells, "You need to be here. With Prim and your mom. They need you. Gale can take care of my family, they don't need me like your family does."

I can tell how badly (Y/N) wants to save Katniss. But Katniss is too stubborn to take her help.

Katniss looked frustrated at this point. "I can't just let you go out there! You'll die! And I'm going to have to live with that guilt all my life! You can't do that to yourself, to me!" She wasn't crying, but strong emotion finally broke the dam she built to stay calm. Her eyes were filled with anger and sadness. (Y/N) is breaking her down piece by piece. She just might convince her.

"I know, but this is my choice. If you die, your mom wouldn't get through it. Prim either. They need you." (Y/N) closes her eyes, probably extremely overwhelmed by the situation. Practically taking her best friends place in her execution. "Please, Katniss, this is what I want."

Katniss finally gives way to tears. "But what would I do without you?" she sobs.

They pull each other in for a hug and they cry together. "It doesn't matter, as long as I know you and Prim are safe."

They pull away and compose themselves. "I formally retract my offer to volunteer."

Prim bolts through the crowd and jumps into her sister's arms. I look at (Y/N) as a small grin grows on her face upon seeing their reunion.

"Wow! What a beautiful moment!" Effie says, breaking up the 'beautiful moment'. "Come on up here sweetie." Effie helps (Y/N) on stage. She stands up straight and looks into the crowd, her face glossed with tears. She seems focused on something, I can't tell what though. "And what might you name be?"

"(Y/N) Hawthorne." She says. all the sadness she showed vanished, leaving only anger and determination blazing in her eyes.

Well, Y/n, that was very brave of you. I bet my buttons that was your best friend." Hearing Effie's words, she steadily moved her eyes to hers. Staring at her with a surprising about of intensity, she seems to be contemplating her next words very carefully. 

She finally responds, "Yes."

Effie clears her throat and looks away, obviously uncomfortable. I can't help but smile at this. "Yes, well we can't have them stealing all the glory, can we? Let's give Miss (Y/N) a round of applause!" 

She starts clapping but no one joins her. Instead, we all stay silent. Clapping will tell the capital we agree, but we don't. Not even close to it. After a moment later, I touch my 3 middle fingers to my lips and hold them up. Surprisingly, everyone follows my gesture. One that means admiration, thanks, and goodbye. Something you do to someone they love. (Y/N) squeezes her eyes to try and stay composed.

Right then, Haymitch started yelling at her and the cameras. I couldn't quite hear what, but it seemed to shock everyone on stage. He fell off the stage a gets taken away on a stretcher.

Effie desperately tries to get everything in order again. "What an exciting day!" Still trying to fix her misplaced wig. "But more excitement to come! It's time to choose our boy tribute!" She walks over to the ball, grabs a slip of paper, and returns to the podium.

Before I even have time to worry about myself, Effie calls the name.

"Peeta Mellark."

You have to freaking kidding me.

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