Chapter 1

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I run through a blazing hot dessert, blinded by the coarse sand scratching my eyes and filling my lungs. I'm panting and sweating as my legs keep moving, straining every single muscle. As I sprint though the dry air, my foot gets caught on a small cactus that was half covered with sand. I had pushed my body to the extreme, and it finally gives out. I collapse to the ground, my face buried in the sandy floor. Just as I look up, I feel the weight of a body crash into mine, knocking the breath out of me. I blink repeatedly as an attempt to clear my eyes, but the person on top of me remails a blur. I vaguely make out brown hair, a slim figure, and a tan completion.

I let out a long hoarse scream and start yelling, "No! No stop! Please don't hurt me!".

After a what felt like an eternity, the girl pinning me down finally responds. "Sorry, just part of the games." Her voice was muffled, almost like she was underwater, but I was able to make out her tone of sympathy. I merely watch as her hand, holding some weapon that I can't quite see, pulls back and she prepares to use it. In a few moments her hand comes swinging down toward my head.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) wake up!" 

I jump up and practically fall off the side of my bed. I look up to see my older brother looking down at me with a puzzled expression. 

"Nightmare?" He asked.

"It's always the same one..." I responded as my eyes filled with tears. Every night before reaping day, I have the exact same nightmare. It's always the same, and so is its effect on me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as tears streaming down my face.

He winced at the sight of me being in so devastated. I felt his strong arms pull me into a warm hug. "I know. But everything is going to be okay. You only have your name in 4 times, you're in the best-case scenario for your age." 

When I look up at him, he dries the tears from my eyes and give me a pat on the back before he leaves the room. I stare into empty space thinking about the dream, the reaping, and what it would be like to be picked. I snap out of my daze and start to get ready. 'Think about something comforting' is what my dad would have told me. I would think about my father, but he died when I was 10. Thoughts of him only bring me more sadness. Instead, I think of my brother, Gale Hawthorne. Although Gale loved all of our siblings, we were always the closest. He has a soft spot for me, and I love him more than anything in the world. When I turned 13, he let me go hunting with him. Every morning we go out and meet up with Katniss. She's a year older than me and was stand-offish at first, but we've become best friends. 

After I slipped on some old boots, put on a warm jacket, and brushed through my y/c/h hair, I ran into the kitchen. I caught Gale just as he was walking out the door. He looked at me as I walked over to him.

I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at him confused. "Were you going to leave without me?" I asked.

He sighed as his eyes dropped to the floor "Look, (Y/N), I know we usually go together but maybe you should stay back today. I don't want you to feel like you have to come"

I put my hands on his shoulders and gave him a forced smile. "Gale, I appreciate it, but I need this. I can't be left alone all morning with my thoughts. I just want things to be as normal as possible today."

He thought about this for a second and nodded. "Okay, I get it." He patted the top of my head and we walked out the door.


On the way to our usual hunting spot, Gale turns to the direction of the square. I hesitate but turn and catch up with him.

"Hey, um, Gale?" I poked his arm and continued, "Y'know the meadow, the place you've gone to almost every day for years, is the opposite direction."

Gale doesn't stop or slow down, just simply says, "Yep." A slight smirk grows on his face.

I roll my eyes and ask another question. "Uh huh, okay. Well, why are we going this way?"

"I need to get something before we get out there."

knowing he's not planning and giving me more information, I let out a long, exaggerated sigh. We continued walking along the shops and markets for a few more minutes until he starts walking towards the bakery.

Uh oh. I stop abruptly and Gale turns around to look at me. "I can't go in there" I say.

Started at me with a confused look. "Why is that?"

"I- uh- I mean we don't-" I paused looking for something to say. What could I say? I couldn't tell him the truth. Nobody knew the reason I wouldn't go in there and I meant to keep it that way. Before I could finish whatever lie I was going to come up with, he started laughing.

"I know you why you don't want to go in, (Y/N)"

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak. "Y-you do?"

He let out a bright smile. "I know you think we shouldn't trade the little we have in there, but I've worked it all out. We should have a good breakfast on a day like this." He grabbed my hand as I let out a weak smile and we walked into the bakery.

Of course, that wasn't my concern at all, but I went with it anyway. I didn't have the guts to tell him what really bothered me. When we opened the door the smell of fresh baked bread wrapped around us. It was almost comforting. Suddenly, I was glad we came inside. Until I saw him.

Peeta Mellark. The Boy I've been in love with for 10 years.



Yay! That was my first chapter! I hope you all liked it! 

Chapter 2 coming soon! :)

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