chapter 4

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Louis POV
There he was the guy that gave me the courage to come out.  Liam walked up behind me.
"Oh my God Hazza, how are you mate?" Liam asked him. 
Liam knows Harry? Is that why he was smirking when I told him about Harry? 
Dammit why didn't he tell me? Do I look ok? Do I smell ok? Oh my fuck I have felt this way not even with El.
I look at Mitch. He just smirked also. 
"So Harry you're babysitting Izzy and Ben tonight?" I asked. 
"Looks like it!" He said smiling. 
I love his smile. 
"Well then come right in" I invited him in. 
"Dada, who is our babysitter?" Ben asked.
"Come in here and see for yourself" I said, laughing.
"By the way Haz he might- Liam was  Is interrupted by Ben launching himself in Harry's arms
"Launch himself in your arms" Liam finished.
"Hey bub, how are you?" Harry asked. 
"I'm good you came over!" Ben said excitedly.
"Well your uncle Liam here called me and said I needed to babysit the sweetest kids ever. So I had to say yes" Harry replied smiling.
"Izzy come here love" I yelled. 
"Coming" she yelled back. She walked into the room and saw Harry. 
"Oh Harry is babysitting us?" She asked, and looked at me smirking.
When the hell did she learn that?
"Yes, love he is" I replied.
"Ok now everyone out" she said and pushed us all out of the door but Harry and Ben. 
"Wow she really is your daughter" Mitch laughed.
"Hey" I laughed.
"We should have made Louis stay," Liam smirked.
"Yeah he really would like alone time with Harry" Mitch added.
"Shut up" I said, blushing.
"Oh my God someone take a picture tommo Is blushing" Zayn Laughed.
"Fuck off, You lads are so annoying, Scott is the only good one here" I said.
"Not so fast I agree with everything they are saying" Scott smirked.
"Never mind you all suck" I replied, and ran to the car. I got in the driver's seat and  I honked my horn at the other guys to get in. They were all laughing at me. Once they got in we left.

Harry's POV
I got to the house and I knocked on the door and he answered. He is so  beautiful but he has two kids. He has to be straight right. Liam walked up behind him.
Oh my God Hazza, how are you mate?" Liam asked, me 
"I am good Li" I laughed. Louis  looked at a guy but he just smirked. 
"So Harry you're babysitting Izzy and Ben tonight?" He asked. 
"Looks like it!" I said smiling. 
"Well then come right in" he  invited me in. 
"Dada, who is our babysitter?" Ben asked.
"Come in here and see for yourself," Louis said, laughing.
"By the way Haz he might- Liam was  Is interrupted by Ben launching himself in my  arms
"Launch himself in your arms" Liam finished.
"Hey bub, how are you?" I asked. 
"I'm good you came over!" Ben said excitedly
"Well your uncle Liam here called me and said I needed to babysit the sweetest kids ever. So I had to say yes" I  replied smiling.
"Izzy come here love" Louis yelled. 
"Coming" she yelled back. She walked into the room and saw me. 
"Oh Harry is babysitting us?" She asked, and looked at Louis smirking.
"Yes, love he is," Louis  replied.
"Ok now everyone out" she said and pushed everyone out of the door but me and Ben. 
"Ok kids what should we do, it is 7pm so I am guessing your bed times are at 9 am I right? I asked, putting Ben down.
"Yeah you're right," Izzy said.
"I'm hungry," Ben said. 
"Ok what do you guys want?" I asked. They looked at each other.
"Hot dogs!" They said at the same time.
"Ok ok" I said laughing.
I walk into the kitchen and look through the refrigerator until I find the hot dogs.
"Hey kids, can you come in here for a minute?" I asked.
I heard little footsteps coming to the kitchen.
"What's up?" Izzy asked.
"Do you want the hot dogs cooked on the stove or in the microwave?" I asked.
"Stove please," Ben said. 
"Ok, you can go back and play," I said. once I said that they ran off. I turned on the stove with no trouble. Once the hot dogs were done I took them out of the pot and put them on two separate plates and cut them up. I walked to the dining room and put the plates on the table. I heard the sound of crying and ran to what I assume was the playroom. When I got there I saw Ben on the bed asleep and Izzy sitting on the bed crying.
I ran into the room, sat down on the bed and pulled Izzy into my lap.
"Izzy love what is wrong?" I asked.
"I saw a someone outside" she said
"Aw love, I think it was just your imagination," I said.
Just then the lights went out. Izzy screamed.
"Love, you need to be quiet" I shushed her. I pulled out my phone and called Liam. I was about to start crying myself. I hate the dark but I have to be strong for Izzy. 
"Hello" I heard Liam answer. 
"Li" I whispered. I probably sounded like I was crying.
"Hazza, what is wrong? " Liam asked, concerned.
"I'm really Scared Li and Izzy is crying and Ben just woke up and is now crying" I said in a shaky voice.
"Ok Luv, what happened?" Liam asked.
"I was making the kids hot dogs  when they were done. I heard crying and I ran to the play room and Izzy said she saw someone outside. I thought it was her Imagination but then all the lights went out. Li I hate the dark I am so scared" I explained, crying a little at the end.
"It's going to be ok Hazza we are on our way home" Liam said. 
Just as Liam finished talking I saw a shadow standing in the playroom door way.

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