chapter 3

15 3 7

(Picture is what Louis is wearing)

Louis pov
"Z-zayn L-liam?" I stuttered.
"Answer the question Lou" Liam said.
"Yes," I answered quietly, looking down. Liam walked over to Izzy and whispered something in her ear and she walked out. Zayn walked to me and lifted my chin so I looked him in the eyes.
"Why didn't you tell us Lou?" Zayn asked.
"I don't know," I whispered.
"Yes you do," Liam said.
"Fine, Elounor found out and tried to leave me. That was the day of the accident. It was my fault I killed her and Lilly" I said breaking down.
"Shh Lou it was not your fault" Liam said, hugging me.
"Yes it is, if I would have just not been so obvious they would be here. My baby girl would be here with me right now" I cried. They both continued hugging me as I cried.
"Lou, did you tell Mitch (grassi)?" Liam asked.
"No," I replied.
"Well he can help you more than anyone and his boyfriend Scott (hoying) could too" Zayn replied.
"I know but I just didn't want to admit it," I said.
"I know love but this is who you are, embrace it" Liam said smiling.
"I guess," I said quietly.
"I am calling Mitch, I will be right back" Zayn said, and left the room.
"Li Li?" I asked.

"What's up Lou?" he asked.
"I don't know what to do," I said.
"What do you mean Lou?" Liam asked.
"There is this guy I met at IHOP today and Li. He is perfect. His eyes are pretty green with a little blue. His hair is long and Curly, and his laugh oh my God li his laugh is everything" I said thinking all about Harry.
"What is his name?" Liam laughed.
"Harry," I replied.
"Oh" Liam smirked.
"What are you planning Liam?" I asked
"Oh nothing" Liam said, still smirking.
Just then Zayn and Mitch busted through the door.
"I heard someone just came out!" Mitch said excitedly.
"Yeah I did" I said smiling
"Yas queen," Mitch said laughing.
"So who is the lucky guy?" Mitch asked.
"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.
"Well since high school you have been "straight" and had three kids with a woman so there has to be a guy that you have your eye out to come out" Mitch said, putting quotes around straight.
"Fine there is a guy. And where is Ben and Izzy?" I asked.
"Oh they are downstairs with my boyfriend Scott and your babysitter for tonight Harry" Mitch replied.
"Wait what babysitter?" I asked.
"Remember Lou you agreed to go out with us tonight" Liam said.
"Oh yeah" I replied.
"Oh no you don't" Mitch said.
"What?" I asked.
"You are not good to act all down. You just fucking came out we need to celebrate" Mitch said.
"Fine," I sighed.
"Good now get your ass in your closet and change," Mitch said. I started walking to my closet when I heard.
"Mitch he just came out of the closet" Zayn Laughed. I heard a slap. That made me laugh. I looked through my closet to see what I could wear. I decided on my gray long sleeve sweater and tight black jeans and my Adidas shoes. I also put on a pair of sunglasses. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, changed and did my hair. Once I approved of my appearance I walked out of the bathroom to see Mitch sitting on my bed.
"Oh my God slay, you look amazing" Mitch said smiling.
"Thanks Mitchy," I said.
"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked.
"Yeah what is up?" Mitch asked.
"So um how do you know if another guy likes you?" I asked.
"Oh my God I was right you came out because of a guy you like, anyway if he keeps eye contact, laughs at your jokes, gives you his number" I stopped listening after gives you his number. Does Harry like me? He did all of those things. Will he actually text me again?
"Louis Louis Louis are you listening?" Mitch asks, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Yeah yeah sorry I need to text someone" I said, getting my phone out.

To hazza😘
Hey, are you doing anything tonight?

From hazza😘
Yes I have to babysit☹

To hazza😘
Oh ok I wish you didn't have to :(

From hazza😘
Why were you asking anyway?

To hazza😘
I wanted to invite you to come out with me and my friends

From hazza😘
Aw man now I really wish I didn't have to babysit

To hazza😘

From hazza😘
Yeah you seem like a nice lad 😊

To hazza😘
Aw, thanks love, you are a nice guy 💚
(Not sent)

To hazza😘
Thanks mate you too :)

From hazza😘
Thanks mate I have to go sorry talk to you soon

To hazza😘
Definitely, I want to talk to you every day
(Not sent)

To hazza😘
Definitely mate!

"So who are you texting?" Mitch asked.
"A friend" I replied
"Yeah "A friend" that can make you smile like an idiot" Mitch replied, putting quotes around A friend.
"Fine you caught me he is the guy like" I replied.
"You know I would never judge you but you just met him," Mitch replied.
"I know,'' I sighed.
"Take it slow i don't want you getting hurt ok" Mitch said, hugging me
"Already been hurt Mitch, I don't think I can be hurt more," I said, looking down.
"Lou?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah Mitchy" I said.
"Can you tell me what happened before the accident?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah so erm well I started noticing i was attracted to guys a month before, I guess Elounor noticed, Lilly and I would always talk about it she actually thought she was lesbian so we bonded really well. The day of the accident she tried to leave me, called me gross saying she wanted my children to never see me again, she said how I was never home but I was trying to provide for the family, I couldn't be home all the time. I think she thought I was cheating on her with a guy but I would never do that to her no matter how unhappy I was. She had all of her and the kids stuff packed and she just left. Hours later after I cried my eyes out I found out Elounor and Lilly d-died" I explained.
"Lou Lou, I am so sorry," Mitch said, hugging me tighter.
"Thanks" I replied.
"Hey, the babysitter will be here soon. Why don't we go downstairs and socialize?" Mitch laughed.
"Ok" I laughed.
We walked downstairs. Once we got to the living room we saw Liam, Zayn, and who I am assuming Scott playing with Izzy and Ben.
"Dada!" Ben said running to me.
"Hey bub, you have fun?" I asked, picking him up.
"Yeah uncle Liam, uncle zayn, and Scott are so fun!" He said excitedly.
"That is great bub. Where is your sister?" I asked.
"I don't know" he said, and wiggled out of my arms. I put him down safely and walked over to zayn.
"Hey bro where is Izzy?" I asked.
"She is in the playroom," he replied.
"Ok thank you" I said. I walked into the playroom and saw Izzy sitting on the bed.
"Hey love" I said.
"I miss her a lot," she said.
"Who love?" I said, sitting on the bed.
"Lilly" she said looking down.
"I do too love but she is always here with us" I said, hugging her.
"Yeah you're right, and why are you dressed up?" She asked.
"Well the guys and I are going out and you and Ben are going to have a babysitter" I said.
"Wait really yay!" she said excitedly.
"Yeah" I said, smiling.
"Ding" I heard the doorbell go off
"That must be the babysitter" I said, and walked to the door.
I opened the door and saw him. I was so shocked.

The Babysitter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon