Beyond The Factory

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Lately, I haven't been the happiest. It's been about 3 weeks since I've seen the light of day since I've seen my friends and family and I've had actual freedom.

I mean, it's not that I HATE it down here, I just wish I could feel human again.

Bunzo is still clingy as f*ck, the smaller toys still worship us like gods, and I'm still pregnant.

I don't want to be stuck down here any longer, I'm gonna talk to Bunzo.

::Time Skip::

"Hey Y/n! Do you need anything?"

"Well... Yes actually."

"What is it? Tell me!"

"I want to leave the factory, go to the surface, and live our lives. Plus, I think our baby would be happier on the surface than living in an abandoned toy factory."



"But Y/n... People will try to kill me, experiment on me, you know..."

"Bunzo, you can be a furry, a super high-tech furry. Nobody will suspect a thing."

"What's a "Furry"?"

::Time Skip brought to you by explaining to Bunzo what a furry is::

"Ohhhh! I get it now!'

"See? You can go to the surface."


"Ok! Let's talk to Poppy about this first."

::Time skip::

Y/n and Bunzo headed over to Poppy's room to ask her something

"Heyyyy Poppy!"


"We're leaving the factory, is that ok with you?"

"I've done some thinking about you leaving and actually, I've decided that-"


"Yup! We'll be right on our way to the train, then, Come on Bunzo!"


"Oh, by the way, Poppy, I'm pregnant, BYE!"

They headed to the train.


::Time skip to le train::

Y/n and Bunzo were soon face to face with the brightly coloured train.

"How do we work this thing?"

"Didn't you activate it a while back, you know, with the train code?"

"Oh yeah, lemme check that."

Y/n check the front of the train to see the lever still glowing red.

"Yup! It's all set to go, hop on!"

"Got it."

Bunzo jumped into one of the carriages of the train and sat down.

Y/n pulled the lever and the train began moving.

"Oh! I guess it's automatic then! I'll chill with Bunzo for the rest of the ride."

::Smol time skip::

The train was about to enter the tunnel when it suddenly stopped.

"What the-"


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