𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸𝟶

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"Say you three went to the bathroom just now, right?" Conan asked. Yeah! The fuck didn't they see it when they went in here? Bullshit!  M/n thoughts.

"Yeah..." Ichieda confirmed.

"Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary?" Conan asked.

"No.." Granny Yone said.

"They waited outside while I was in the bathroom, but there wasn't anything strange. Before he went in last, Ichieda-san told us to make coffee, so I don't know about after that..." Osamu said.

"I see. That's how you got a chance to kill her." Mifune smugly said.


"It takes at least 5-6 minutes to make coffee. That's all the time you need to take her to the bath and kill her." Mifune accused.

"No! I didn't do it!"

Heh? Isn't the corpse blue? That means she's drowned a long while now... right? That means it...couldn't be Ichieda? No, no everyone's a suspect here. Well I guess except Conan, Ran and Oji-san-

"Ichieda-san isn't the killer. She's been dead for at least an hour or two. Meaning she was killed between 5:00 and 6:00. He didn't do it just now. The same goes for Gojo-san and Yone-san; the three of them were with me between 4:00 and 7:00. This narrows down the lists of suspects to Mifune-san and Rokuda-san, who were in their rooms!" Mouri deduced.

Mifune laughed. "Then it's simple. Rokuda's the killer since I didn't do it." He said confidently.

"Don't be a fool. I saw you. At around 6:00 am, you left your room and went somewhere." Rokuda exposed.

"Did you, Mifune?!" Ichieda asked.

"Yeah. I got sleepy, so I went upstairs to wash my face." Mifune calmly explained.

"A likely story. The upstairs washroom is right next to the stairs. You could've killed her on the way there." Rokuda accused.

"What?! Hmph, yes. I could've. There's no one to vouch for me. But the same goes for you, too! I never saw you while I was up there!" Mifune argued back.

"At any rate, the murder was between 5:00 and 6:00 am. Only you two could've done it. If you would kindly tell me what you were doing then.." Mouri said.

Hey, from the looks of it the tub was opened with the shower... the drip of water there is proof of it. plus it looks a bit wet.  M/n thought as he looked at the bathtub. He looked down to see Conan investigating the body up close.

"Rokuda-san. You didn't leave your room at all?"


"And you only left the one time to wash your face?" Mouri asked the other suspect.


"Um.. Where exactly was Reika-sama being held? Doesn't it seem strange? We searched the whole place!" Osamu pointed out.

"We searched for her at 10:00. There wasn't anything in here." Mouri said.

"And the bathtub was empty." Ichieda confirmed.

"Was she outside? Maybe in the forest?!" Osamu asked.

"No. There's a better place than outside: inside the trunk of one of your cars. And you two were the only ones who had any time to haul her out from one. Looks like one of you is the lunatic, who enjoys these random murders."

Unlikely, someone with this strategy to drown people would've noticed I wasn't actually drowning. It could only mean it was staged. Most probably a ploy. For a concept of some sort.  M/n thought.

𝚄𝚗𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 (Slow AF Updates)Where stories live. Discover now