Lunch/Is He Usuing Me?

Start from the beginning

  Once she left I looked at Eren and Mikasa. They both looked at me.

  "The main reason I asked for us to meet up for lunch is that I'm going to my moms over spring break and I was wondering is you two would like to come." I ask them.

  "I'm sorry Y/n but I already have plans over spring break,but I'm sure Eren can go." Mikasa says to me.

  "I guess I'll go." Eren says coldly.

  "Thank you Eren,I hope your plans are fun then Mikasa." I say to her.

  "So it'll just be us three?" Armin says.

  "Seems like it." Eren says.

  Then it went silent,a awkward silent. I hate this. We just looked at each other in silence,waiting for someone to say something.

  When I opened my mouth to speak the waitress suddenly appeared with our food.

  She placed our food in front of us,we all thanked her and instantly started eating.

  After a few minutes of eating I decided to say something.

  "Eren how is your mom?" I ask him.

  "She's doing better." Eren says emotionlessly.

  I nod and look down,then go back to eating.

Time skip

Im currently walking home from the restaurant,lunch was so awkward. We haven't been together as a group for so long we forgot how to act with each other.

While walking I suddenly heard someone yelling my name from behind me. I instantly turn to see who it was.

It was Eren. I wonder what he wants.

"Y/n,about me and Mikasa at the restaurant the other day-" he says before I cut him off.

"Is she pregnant?" I ask him.

"What? Why do think she's pregnant?" He ask me with a confused face.

  Oh shit. I need to think of something quick.

  "I was just wondering. She's been acting a little different lately,I thinking it could've been hormones,but I guess I'm wrong." I say to him.

  That's a good cover up. Right? As long he's buys it,it's good enough.

  "Oh,well no she's not pregnant. Even if she is she hasn't told me." Eren says.

  "Why haven't you talked to me for two weeks?" I ask him.

  "If I'm being honest,me and Mikasa started going back like old times. I felt complete,I didn't feel like I needed you." He says with slight happy smile on his face.

  The fuck. Am I just the next best thing to Mikasa? Was he just using me to fill in Mikasa's place. Has everything he told me a lie?

  "You just used me?" I ask him angrily. I watch him get a shocked face.

  "No- I didn't mean it like that." He tries to say.

  "Eren you said what you said,think about it. I have to go." I say to him then starting to walk away from him.

  My life is a mess right now. Hopefully seeing my family will help me feel more in control about life.

Some time later I finally made it back to my apartment. I quickly changed into a hoodie and sweat pants. I really felt like crying,the guy I was in love might of just been using my to fill the place of Mikasa.

I walked out of my bedroom and went my freezer, I grabbed my favorite ice cream then grabbed a spoon.

I walked towards my couch and sat down on it. What do I want watch? I think for a minute or two then decided on 'The Princess and the Frog' it's one of my favorite Disney movies,I'm sure it will help cheer me up.

I can't wait to see my family,just a few more days of classes then I get to see them. While lost in thought I felt my phone vibrate. I put my ice cream down and grab my phone to see the notification.

It was Eren. I tap on the notification and my phone brings me to my messages.

Y/n I'm sorry.


Come on Y/n I saw that you read it,please answer I want to talk.


I closed my phone and sat it back down. I didn't feel like talking to him. I'll talk to him when I feel like it,but also part of the reason I didn't answer was because I scared that he was going to say that it's true he was using me to fill in for Mikasa's place.

I spent the rest of my day watching movies, it was now dark outside and I know I have classes tomorrow so I should head to bed.

So I got up from my couch and headed to my bathroom,I did my hygiene and skin care. Then I laid down on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling,will this drama ever end? I told myself I wouldn't have drama in collage but now look at me.

Hopefully the thought of seeing my family will get me through the next few days of school,and yet again Mikasa wasn't here. She practically doesn't live here anymore.I roll my eyes then close my eyes and try to fall asleep.

Some time later I finally fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated the story in over a month. I really have no excuse. But I promise to try to update more often. I hope you enjoyed the chapter,I'm going to try to upload the next chapter this month as well. Have a good day/night!

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