rule 18 • she was in the right because he'd started a rumor account

Start from the beginning

he wondered if it was the emotions talking, or if cherry seemed less terrible than usual.

was he unusually moved by the sun reflecting in the river?

by the natural beauty of the world?

he stared up at his ceiling for hours, the color red clouding his mind and glowing radiantly.

he couldn't sleep.

he could just think.

about how lonely he was. how sad he felt. how empty.

he could feel his heart crack.

did cherry feel the same way?

did she consider him a friend?

did she talk to him because she liked too, or because she had too?

the drops of rain crashed outside his window, whispering discouragements to him.

cherry needed adam to love her so she wouldn't be alone.

but he was already alone.

they'd talked hundreds of times before.

and none of it was right. it all felt wrong.

cherry didn't understand why. it was so easy for her to be mean to him earlier, why did it feel strange now?

another rule of revenge; they always deserve it.

the person you hate did something horrible.

well, they must've if you want revenge so badly.

so, they deserve whats coming to them, right? your hate is justified, right?

but, what had he done?

the very first thing that adam did to make cherry hate him; what even was it?

why did she care so much?

why had it been such a problem?

adam has always had so much patience with her.

every day, she bothered him more and more. she was mean to him. she insulted him. she annoyed him.

she tired him out.

they'd fight about god knows what and swear they'd never take to each other again, that they hated each other.

but still, the next day, she'd sit next to him.

adam would ask for a pencil.

they'd make their regular stupid jokes and hold back their laughter because they hated each other.

he'd come home and she'd be there again.

they'd insult each other, and then sit next to each other and have dinner.

no matter how much he claimed to hate her, he clearly didn't hate her enough to distance himself from her, or to do anything about her presence.

and then she'd leave.

they'd both be all alone in their empty rooms, staring at the ceilings and counting stars that weren't there.

they both didn't hate each other as much as they claimed too, even if they didn't wanna admit it.

and they never would admit it.

but he liked her more then life itself.

and she'd do anything to not lose him.

adam never had any friends that he spent all of his time with.

he always did things on his own because he thought other people were annoying.

𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄, adam reedWhere stories live. Discover now