Jasmine: [confessional] Shawn is such a nice guy to split the million with me. All we have to do is get to the end and avoid that dreadful cannon.[real time] I'm so glad you feel the same. This way, we can't lose.

[amp feedback]

Chris: [over loudspeaker] Sorry! Sorry about that. Seems like every time I press this button, it--


Chris: [over loudspeaker] Yep, it's definitely this button. Anyone, time to join me at the base of Mt. McLean. I just named the mountain. Named it after me. You know, McLean? 'Cause I'm awesome? Anyway, just get over here. Pronto.


Chris: Congratulations. You should be very proud of yourselves for making it to the final five. Proud and utterly terrified of what awaits you.

Shawn: Is the island gonna try and kill us again?

Chris: Nope. The island is now completely offline, thanks to two people whose names I never want to hear again.

Y/N: You mean Max and Scarlett.

Chris: Ahem! Okay. Today's challenge is called Mount Everfast. Which is like Mount Everest, only this mountain was modeled after one in... 

[loud crunching]

Chris: Why are you eating a cabbage?

Sugar: My colon's more crammed than a city bus during a rush hour snow storm.

[butt growls]

Sugar: The wheels are spinnin', but it ain't movin'.

Chris: Ugh. Okay, my fault for asking. Now, the rules are simple. At the top of Mt. McLean, is a flag. The first one to capture the flag wins immunity and gets to feed on a fabulous takeout dinner. The last two to make it to the top gets fed to the cannon. Chef?

You, Jasmine, Shawn, and Sky: [talking over each other]

[airhorn blares]

Chris: Go!

Sugar: [panting]

Chris: This is gonna sound crazy, but I kinda miss that wizard kid. Forcefield!

Chris and Chef: [laughing]

Y/N: You mean Leonard

Chris: Just go

Y/N: Right, got it

Chris: Ah, okay. Time to make their lives miserable.




Y/N: Sky, Sugar, I think we should pair up in order to stay Ahead, 

Sky: Sounds good to me, Sugar, keep moving! We're a team, so you've gotta keep up!

Sugar: Sky... sometimes... you gotta stop to... and... um, smell the flowers! [inhales] Ooh.

Sky: After we win! Let's go! Stay close. Knowing Chris, there are booby traps all over this mountain.

Sugar: [laughing]

Sky: Ugh, I said booby traps. Just, c'mon! [confessional] When I win the million dollars, I'll hire the best Olympic trainers in the world and win gold in every event at the Summer and Winter Olympics. So even if I have to carry Sugar all the way to the top, I am getting that flag.

Total Drama- Ella X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora