Scarlett Fever

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Sky: This is crazy. I'm kinda freaking out. I wish Dave were here 'cause he always made me feel-- [gasps] Pull it together. Being doughy-eyed for Dave almost got you eliminated! Huh. But then he eliminated himself. Did he do that to save me? Ugh, focus! I'm really losing it here.

[Confessional Ends]

Automated Voice: T-minus fifty-five minutes and counting.

Sugar: We doing this or what?

Sky: Alright, let's pick teams! [groans]

Sugar: Looks like you're on Team Sugar!

Sky: [grunts]

Sugar: Girl's night! Whoo!


[mechanical whirring]

Jasmine and Shawn: [grunting]

Jasmine: We're close! That entrance should be-- watch out!

Shawn: [grunts]

Jasmine: [grunts] Right over... here! What? Oh, come on.

Shawn: I guess we gotta swim.

Jasmine: I guess we gotta.


Jasmine: Shawn's great. We have everything in common. Except the zombie thing, which could be a deal breaker. But once he gets over it, he'll be perfect.

Shawn: Yeah, Jasmine rules. Once she develops a healthy fear of the undead, she'll be perfect! [Confessional Ends]

Shawn: On three. One. Two. Shark!

Jasmine: It'll be fine. Sharks are more afraid of you than you are of him. If it gets close, just punch it in the nose and it'll scram.

Shawn: Really?

Jasmine: Yeah. I saw it on TV once. Let's go!

Shawn and Jasmine: [grunting]

Shawn: [mumbles]

[shark growls then Shawn punches the shark, the shark whimpers then growls]


Shawn: I'm glad peeing in your pants while underwater goes totally unnoticed. What happens in the pond stays in the pond.

[confessional ends]

[shark gags]

Jasmine and Shawn: Oof!


Y/N: Okay the control room should be close

[You turn on your phone and go to your photo apps


Y/N: Before Chris gave his tablet to Scarlett, I managed to snap a pic of the map, guess theres more then one genius on the island

[Confessional Ends]

Y/N: Now then on to save the island


Sugar: We gotta buddy up from here on in! We're the only two normals left!

Sky: That's... shockingly true.

Sugar: I'm like the girl version of you.

Sky: What?

Sugar: Oops. I hope that wasn't as insulting as it sounded. I just never met a girl who didn't care about her looks.

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