(Confessionals Off)

Sky: Well, there goes my appetite.

Sugar: So you don't mind if I eat these? [eating noisily]

[airhorn blares]

Chris [over loudspeaker]: Calling all contestants! It's time to get rolling! [chuckles] Uh, that'll make sense in a minute.

Sugar burps

Chris: Listen up, everyone. Today's challenge is simple.

[all sigh]

Chris: Simple and deadly.

[all groan]

Chris: You'll all be racing across the island in turbo orbs! Each team will cram into one turbo orb and run like a hamster in a wheel. First team to the other side of the island wins immunity.

Topher: Both teams are sure to have a ball.

Chris: Just get in the orb, Topher.

Topher: Hey! Watch the hair!

Sky: Stop pushing!

Sugar: I'm not pushin'! I'm shovin'!

Shawn: who's poking me

Y/N: that's my leg

Jasmine shudders

Chris: Jasmine? Hello? You still on Australian time? [chuckles] I actually have no idea if that's ahead of us or behind us, but you get the joke.

Jasmine: Okay. Just gonna get inside that small, cramped, confined ball, no way out. Let's do this. [shuddering]

Chris: That's the spirit!

Jasmine: Okay, so I might be claustrophobic.

Shawn: It's sad when a person lets a single irrational fear control their whole lives.

Jasmine: I'm okay. Just have a teeny issue with confined spaces. No biggie. [shuddering]

Chris: Uh-huh. You know what else is a confined space? A cannon.

Jasmine shudders

Chris: Okay, bad cop didn't work. Time for good cop. Jas, I didn't know you had this phobia. Now that I do, I realize this challenge is harder for you than anyone else and that's unfair. Chef, toss her in!

Jasmine: [gasps] Ah! Ow!

Dave: Uh, we can't see out of these.

Chris: Oh no.

Dave: Ow.

Chris: You might feel a slight drop! Ready! Set! Go!

[all scream]

Chris: Ha ha ha!

[all grunting]

Sky groans

Dave: Ow! I mean, hi.

(Confessional: Dave)

Dave: Score! Near death experiences always make girls wanna kiss!

(Confessional Off)

Sugar [groaning]: Breakfast berries want out. [vomits] Mm-mm! When all you eats is berries, you pretty much just barf jam.

Dave screams and cries


Jasmine: Oh, look. We're at the bottom of a deep, dark cave. How 'bout that?

Topher: Ha! Host fail! I'd like to see Chris narrate us out of this one.

Total Drama- Ella X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now