I hate fakers sequel (Chapter 14)

Start from the beginning

I burst into laughter and Jayden quickly joins me as my eyes fill with tears of laughter.

“Not cool” Kylie mumbles as she shoves Linc off of her. I try to stifle my giggles, but its pointless.


Kylie gives me the silent treatment as we follow her down to the kitchen.

Kylie is so lucky that she is my best friend, what with her being grumpy at me in my own house. Plus, the fact that I am starving so Kylie’s bad mood is quickly forgotten. Halfway through breakfast, Kylie forgot what she was angry about and we happily chatted about our upcoming day.

Today is the day that it becomes official, we will be become joint partners in our new business, and Hillary and my father will officially be our first clients even though we have already started some of their planning.

After having breakfast, we get ready to head off to the lawyers office where our business plan is getting its final touches made to it, before we sign it off.

Yay! I cant wait… Im giddy with excitement on our way to the lawyers office, that just so happens to be my fathers office.

We take a seat in the reception area, now usually I like to barge into my fathers office, but it is all business today so I will behave.

My father has been at his new office for about three weeks and is settling in quite nicely apart from the fact that his receptionist, Rachel, is a skank and I don’t like her. She tries to hit on Jayden every chance she gets, so as you can imagine, we don’t come here that often.

“Good morning JD” she purrs seductively to Jayden and I tense up next to him.

“Jayden” my husband corrects her in a steely tone before I rip into her. I feel like ripping those fake acrylic nails off her and gouging her eyes out with them. Wow! Violent much… I swear that my moods have intensified as the pregnancy has progressed.

Rachel giggles like a little school girl, and replies “Im sorry, my mistake”

Jayden ignores her and places his arm tightly around me and steers me away from her before I do something that will probably upset my father.  

The nerve that woman has!

Gah, and what isn’t she like 65yrs old or something??? Gross! Ok, shes not really 65, shes probably more like 30 or something? I don’t know, and quite frankly I don’t care.

She just better keep her hands to herself, otherwise she will lose them.

Jayden helps me to a seat in the reception area and before I can say anything he captures my mouth in a kiss that melts the words away. I cant remember what I was going to say, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t think it was that important either.

Some intense throat clearing breaks us apart from our kiss and I emerge with blush red cheeks and breathless. Jayden is smirking like a fool, while my father shakes his head at me.

I hate fakers sequelWhere stories live. Discover now