Just in time, the bus steering towards downtown arrived and stopped in front of the two Aussies.

"Do you want to get up with me now and be at your date on time or do you still want to feel miserable and then feel more miserable because you would piss off that hot boyfriend of yours?" The brunette chuckled and stretched her right hand out, waiting for Luke to take it.

"Just because you're right now doesn't mean that you're the more mature one now. I hope we can agree on that." Luke snorted softly as he accepted her helping hand and let her pull him up to the bus, not letting go of her hand until they claimed the seats in the last row theirs.

No, Luke didn't have romantic feelings for her, because again, he was hundred per cent gay and she was hundred per cent lesbian. Bettina was like the most annoying sister he could ever have on earth but on the other hand her presence comforted him.

The bus then took off and Bettina roiled her eyes, before stating in a matter of fact way; "Of course not. I am and always will be the sarcastic and crazy one out of us two."


Rock music was being blasted from the speaker as Luke and Bettina (who were ten minutes late because there was a major traffic jam) entered the Hard Rock Café. The walls were decorated with several record contracts and rock legends; bands, solos - everyone who made it very big. There even was Jon Bon Jovi's guitar displayed. The place was pretty crowded, it was a popular hangout place after all. It took Luke some time to figure out Michael but when he saw the bundle of platinum blond, almost white at the back of the room, Luke was positive he found Michael and possibly also Angel.

"Found him." Luke remarked briefly and tugged Beth to follow him, the two of them attempting to make their way through the crowd gracefully.

"Michael!" Luke shouted and the older boy turned around, a smile escaping his lips once he saw Luke.

"Hey babe." Michael greeted Luke and kissed his temple before smiling brightly at Bettina, since the day before Luke informed him that his friend would be coming too; "How ya doin', Beth?"

"Cut the overdone Aussie accent." Bettina snorted and rolled her eyes. Nevertheless, a smile formed on her lips; "I'm fine though. Thanks."

With that, Michael slid into the seat bench, Luke following him afterwards so the two of them were sitting next to each other. Bettina, on the other hand, claimed the seat right in front of Michael, hers, the table standing in the way.

"So, where is your friend, the girl?" Bettina asked, looking around. Deep inside, she was kind of curious meeting her and so was Luke. He had no idea how Michael's friend was behaving; hell, Luke didn't even know her name. It could be that Michael had mentioned her name but probably Luke wasn't listening and was too busy with something else that was running in his mind.

"She's using the toilet but should be back at any moment. Oh and I hope you don't mind that I ordered you two cheeseburgers because then the waiter would've kicked us out." Michael chuckled, finding it amusing.

"Anyway, I've never really caught her name. Luke never told me when I was in the boat." Bettina retorted, her blue eyes directly set at Luke who shot her an embarrassed look.

"What? Luke, I did tell you her name." Michael turned to the blond boy who gave him a crooked smile. "Honestly, I don't talk lots and when I do talk, you decided to not listen? Wow, that's just- I won't even say it."

"Michael, I have a reason why, though!" Luke pointed out, scratching his jawline, where some stubbles were growing.

"That's because he has a wild imagination. I mean, his bedtime stories are legitimately daddy kink stories, he wakes up to vanilla smut; he is basically messed up." Bettina simply blurted out, Luke looking as if his eyes were going to fall out of his sockets and Michael looking either not impressed since he already experienced Luke having a boner on his holy motorbike, or thinking that Luke was slightly disturbed.

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